Store CSV to Store Segments

This Jupyter Notebook demonstrates how, by using ArcGIS, you can start with little more than a list of stores with sales volume and coordinates, and end with stores segmented by similar demographic characteristics.

  1. Prepare Input Data
  2. Acquire Demographic Analysis Factors Based on Drive Time Trade Areas Around Stores
  3. Segment Stores Using KMeans

Note: Increased IOPub

For visualization, if you did not start this notebook with an increased data rate limit, stop the notebook, go back to the command line, and start Jupyter Notebook using the following command.

jupyter notebook --NotebookApp.iopub_data_rate_limit=10000000000

Prepare Data

The data coming in from the CSV file, while the coordinate locations are present in the data, ArcGIS does not yet know how to recognize the data as spatial for subseqnet analysis steps. To accomplish this, we will load the data into a Pandas DataFrame, convert this into an ArcGIS SpatialDataFrame, and finally create an ArcGIS Feature Set, which we will then use for subsequent analysis.

In [98]:
import pandas as pd
import arcgis

Load the data into a Pandas DataFrame from a CSV file.

In [99]:
df = pd.read_csv('./store_locations.csv', index_col='OBJECTID')

1 666990510 35495 -121.8430 36.6210
2 653371815 35495 -121.8112 36.6676
3 423468472 35495 -121.9651 36.9753
4 511743478 35495 -121.7740 36.9154
5 404459478 52059 -122.0362 37.3231

While the coordinates for each store are contained in an X (longitude) and Y (latitude) field, the data is not yet able to be recognized spatially. We need to create a point geometry for each location in a new field so the data will be recognized as spatial. Once this is done, we also can get rid of the explicity X and Y fields, since the location is now stored in the SHAPE field.

In [100]:
df['SHAPE'] = df.apply(lambda row: arcgis.geometry.Point({'x': row.X, 'y': row.Y, 'spatialReference': {'wkid': 4326}}), axis=1)
df = df.drop(['X', 'Y'], axis=1)

1 666990510 35495 {'y': 36.621, 'spatialReference': {'wkid': 432...
2 653371815 35495 {'y': 36.6676, 'spatialReference': {'wkid': 43...
3 423468472 35495 {'y': 36.9753, 'spatialReference': {'wkid': 43...
4 511743478 35495 {'y': 36.9154, 'spatialReference': {'wkid': 43...
5 404459478 52059 {'y': 37.3231, 'spatialReference': {'wkid': 43...

Now, with the location data properly formatted to be recoginzed as point geometry, we can create a SpatialDataFrame with the store locations so the data will now be recognized as spatial data.

In [101]:
sdf = arcgis.features.SpatialDataFrame(df)
sdf.set_geometry(col='SHAPE')  # assign the properly formatted shape field to be recognized by the SpatialDataFrame
sdf.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)

0 666990510 35495 {'y': 36.621, 'spatialReference': {'wkid': 432...
1 653371815 35495 {'y': 36.6676, 'spatialReference': {'wkid': 43...
2 423468472 35495 {'y': 36.9753, 'spatialReference': {'wkid': 43...
3 511743478 35495 {'y': 36.9154, 'spatialReference': {'wkid': 43...
4 404459478 52059 {'y': 37.3231, 'spatialReference': {'wkid': 43...

In [112]:
# get a subset to test with, just the first five records
sdf = sdf[:5]

Convert the SpatailDataFrame to a FeatureSet to use as input for subsequent analysis steps.

NOTE: On 18Aug2017, this will not work unless you have access to the development reposititory, since there was a bug in the to_featureset method, which was recently fixed.

In [113]:
fs_store_locations = sdf.to_featureset()

{"geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint", "features": [{"geometry": {"spatialReference": {"wkid": 4326}, "y": 36.62100000000007, "x": -121.84299999999992}, "attributes": {"SALESVOL": 35495, "LOCNUM": 666990510}}, {"geometry": {"spatialReference": {"wkid": 4326}, "y": 36.62100000000007, "x": -121.84299999999992}, "attributes": {"SALESVOL": 35495, "LOCNUM": 653371815}}, {"geometry": {"spatialReference": {"wkid": 4326}, "y": 36.62100000000007, "x": -121.84299999999992}, "attributes": {"SALESVOL": 35495, "LOCNUM": 423468472}}, {"geometry": {"spatialReference": {"wkid": 4326}, "y": 36.62100000000007, "x": -121.84299999999992}, "attributes": {"SALESVOL": 35495, "LOCNUM": 511743478}}, {"geometry": {"spatialReference": {"wkid": 4326}, "y": 36.62100000000007, "x": -121.84299999999992}, "attributes": {"SALESVOL": 52059, "LOCNUM": 404459478}}], "fields": []}

Acquire Demographic Analysis Factors Based on Drive Time Trade Areas Around Stores

Intantiate a Web GIS object instance.

In [104]:
from getpass import getpass

gis_coldbrew = arcgis.gis.GIS(
    password=getpass('Please enter the headless password: ')

Please enter the headless password: ········

Get Variables for Enrichment from Server

Get the entire list of variables using the get method in the Python API, thus taking care of the access token for us.

In [105]:
resp_get_vars = gis_coldbrew._con.get(

{'messages': [],
 'results': [{'dataType': 'VariableInfo',
   'paramName': 'Variable',
   'value': [{'alias': '2016 Total Population',
     'category': '2016 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population in Households',
     'category': '2016 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'HHPOP_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population in Families',
     'category': '2016 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Family Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAMPOP_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population in Group Quarters',
     'category': '2016 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Group Quarters Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'GQPOP_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Density',
     'category': '2016 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 1,
     'description': '2016 Population Density (Pop per Square Mile) (Esri)',
     'name': 'POPDENS_CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Total Households',
     'category': '2016 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Households (Esri)',
     'name': 'TOTHH_CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Average Household Size',
     'category': '2016 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 2,
     'description': '2016 Average Household Size (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 2.59,
     'name': 'AVGHHSZ_CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Family Households',
     'category': '2016 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Family Households (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAMHH_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTHH_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Households',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Average Family Size',
     'category': '2016 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 2,
     'description': '2016 Average Family Size (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 3.16,
     'name': 'AVGFMSZ_CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Total Housing Units',
     'category': '2016 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Housing Units (Esri)',
     'name': 'TOTHU_CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Owner Occupied HUs',
     'category': '2016 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Owner Occupied Housing Units (Esri)',
     'name': 'OWNER_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTHH_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Households',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Renter Occupied HUs',
     'category': '2016 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Renter Occupied Housing Units (Esri)',
     'name': 'RENTER_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTHH_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Households',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Vacant Housing Units',
     'category': '2016 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Vacant Housing Units (Esri)',
     'name': 'VACANT_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTHU_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Housing Units',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2010-2016 Growth Rate: Population',
     'category': '2016 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 2,
     'description': '2010-2016 Population: Annual Growth Rate (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 0.75,
     'name': 'POPGRW10CY',
     'units': 'pct'},
    {'alias': '2010-2016 Growth Rate: Households',
     'category': '2016 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 2,
     'description': '2010-2016 Households: Annual Growth Rate (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 0.68,
     'name': 'HHGRW10CY',
     'units': 'pct'},
    {'alias': '2010-2016 Growth Rate: Families',
     'category': '2016 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 2,
     'description': '2010-2016 Families: Annual Growth Rate (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 0.56,
     'name': 'FAMGRW10CY',
     'units': 'pct'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 0-4',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 0-4 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP0_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 5-9',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 5-9 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP5_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 10-14',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 10-14 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP10_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 15-19',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 15-19 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP15_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 20-24',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 20-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP20_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 25-29',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 25-29 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP25_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 30-34',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 30-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP30_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 35-39',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 35-39 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP35_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 40-44',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 40-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP40_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 45-49',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 45-49 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP45_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 50-54',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 50-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP50_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 55-59',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 55-59 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP55_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 60-64',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 60-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP60_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 65-69',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 65-69 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP65_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 70-74',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 70-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP70_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 75-79',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 75-79 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP75_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 80-84',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 80-84 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP80_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 85+',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 85+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP85_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 18+',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 18+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP18UP_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 21+',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 21+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP21UP_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median Age',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 1,
     'description': '2016 Median Age (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 38,
     'name': 'MEDAGE_CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Male Population',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 0-4',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 0-4 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE0_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 5-9',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 5-9 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE5_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 10-14',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 10-14 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE10_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 15-19',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 15-19 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE15_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 20-24',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 20-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE20_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 25-29',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 25-29 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE25_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 30-34',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 30-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE30_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 35-39',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 35-39 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE35_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 40-44',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 40-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE40_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 45-49',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 45-49 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE45_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 50-54',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 50-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE50_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 55-59',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 55-59 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE55_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 60-64',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 60-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE60_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 65-69',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 65-69 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE65_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 70-74',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 70-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE70_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 75-79',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 75-79 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE75_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 80-84',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 80-84 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE80_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 85+',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 85+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE85_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 18+',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 18+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAL18UP_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 21+',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 21+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAL21UP_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median Male Age',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 1,
     'description': '2016 Median Male Age (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 36.7,
     'name': 'MEDMAGE_CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Female Population',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 0-4',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 0-4 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM0_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 5-9',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 5-9 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM5_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 10-14',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 10-14 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM10_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 15-19',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 15-19 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM15_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 20-24',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 20-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM20_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 25-29',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 25-29 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM25_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 30-34',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 30-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM30_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 35-39',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 35-39 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM35_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 40-44',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 40-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM40_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 45-49',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 45-49 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM45_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 50-54',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 50-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM50_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 55-59',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 55-59 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM55_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 60-64',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 60-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM60_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 65-69',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 65-69 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM65_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 70-74',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 70-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM70_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 75-79',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 75-79 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM75_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 80-84',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 80-84 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM80_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 85+',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 85+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM85_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 18+',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 18+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM18UP_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 21+',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 21+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM21UP_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median Female Age',
     'category': '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 1,
     'description': '2016 Median Female Age (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 39.3,
     'name': 'MEDFAGE_CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age <1',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age <1 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE0_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 1',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 1 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE1_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 2',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 2 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE2_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 3',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 3 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE3_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 4',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 4 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE4_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 5',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 5 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE5_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 6',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 6 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE6_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 7',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 7 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE7_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 8',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 8 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE8_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 9',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 9 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE9_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 10',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 10 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE10_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 11',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 11 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE11_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 12',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 12 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE12_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 13',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 13 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE13_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 14',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 14 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE14_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 15',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 15 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE15_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 16',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 16 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE16_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 17',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 17 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE17_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 18',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 18 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE18_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 19',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 19 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE19_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 20',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 20 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE20_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 21',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 21 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE21_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 22',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 22 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE22_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 23',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 23 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE23_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 24',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE24_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 25',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 25 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE25_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 26',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 26 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE26_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 27',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 27 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE27_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 28',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 28 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE28_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 29',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 29 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE29_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 30',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 30 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE30_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 31',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 31 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE31_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 32',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 32 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE32_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 33',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 33 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE33_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 34',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE34_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 35',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 35 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE35_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 36',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 36 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE36_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 37',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 37 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE37_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 38',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 38 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE38_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 39',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 39 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE39_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 40',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 40 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE40_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 41',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 41 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE41_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 42',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 42 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE42_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 43',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 43 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE43_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 44',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE44_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 45',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 45 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE45_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 46',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 46 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE46_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 47',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 47 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE47_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 48',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 48 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE48_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 49',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 49 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE49_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 50',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 50 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE50_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 51',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 51 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE51_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 52',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 52 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE52_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 53',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 53 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE53_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 54',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE54_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 55',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 55 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE55_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 56',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 56 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE56_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 57',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 57 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE57_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 58',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 58 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE58_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 59',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 59 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE59_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 60',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 60 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE60_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 61',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 61 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE61_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 62',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 62 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE62_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 63',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 63 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE63_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 64',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE64_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 65',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 65 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE65_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 66',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 66 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE66_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 67',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 67 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE67_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 68',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 68 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE68_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 69',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 69 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE69_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 70',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 70 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE70_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 71',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 71 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE71_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 72',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 72 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE72_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 73',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 73 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE73_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 74',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE74_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 75',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 75 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE75_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 76',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 76 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE76_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 77',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 77 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE77_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 78',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 78 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE78_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 79',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 79 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE79_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 80',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 80 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE80_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 81',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 81 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE81_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 82',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 82 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE82_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 83',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 83 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE83_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population Age 84',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Total Population Age 84 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE84_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age <1',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age <1 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE0_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 1',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 1 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE1_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 2',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 2 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE2_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 3',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 3 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE3_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 4',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 4 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE4_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 5',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 5 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE5_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 6',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 6 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE6_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 7',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 7 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE7_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 8',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 8 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE8_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 9',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 9 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE9_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 10',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 10 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE10_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 11',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 11 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE11_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 12',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 12 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE12_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 13',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 13 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE13_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 14',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 14 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE14_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 15',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 15 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE15_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 16',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 16 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE16_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 17',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 17 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE17_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 18',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 18 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE18_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 19',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 19 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE19_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 20',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 20 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE20_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 21',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 21 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE21_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 22',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 22 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE22_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 23',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 23 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE23_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 24',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE24_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 25',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 25 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE25_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 26',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 26 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE26_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 27',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 27 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE27_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 28',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 28 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE28_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 29',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 29 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE29_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 30',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 30 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE30_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 31',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 31 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE31_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 32',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 32 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE32_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 33',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 33 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE33_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 34',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE34_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 35',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 35 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE35_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 36',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 36 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE36_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 37',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 37 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE37_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 38',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 38 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE38_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 39',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 39 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE39_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 40',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 40 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE40_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 41',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 41 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE41_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
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    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 42',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 42 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE42_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 43',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 43 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE43_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 44',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE44_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
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    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 45',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 45 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE45_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
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    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 46',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 46 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE46_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
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    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 47',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 47 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE47_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
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    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 48',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 48 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE48_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
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    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 49',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 49 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE49_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
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    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 50',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 50 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE50_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
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    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 51',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 51 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE51_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
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    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 52',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 52 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE52_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 53',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 53 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE53_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 54',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE54_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
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    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 55',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 55 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE55_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
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    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 56',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 56 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE56_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 57',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 57 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE57_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 58',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 58 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE58_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
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    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 59',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 59 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE59_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 60',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 60 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE60_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 61',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 61 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE61_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 62',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 62 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE62_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 63',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 63 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE63_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 64',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE64_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 65',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 65 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE65_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 66',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 66 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE66_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 67',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 67 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE67_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 68',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 68 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE68_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 69',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 69 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE69_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 70',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 70 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE70_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 71',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 71 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE71_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 72',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 72 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE72_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 73',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 73 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE73_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 74',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE74_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 75',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 75 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE75_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 76',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 76 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE76_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 77',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 77 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE77_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 78',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 78 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE78_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 79',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 79 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE79_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 80',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 80 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE80_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 81',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 81 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE81_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 82',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 82 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE82_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 83',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 83 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE83_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Males Age 84',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Male Population Age 84 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE84_CY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age <1',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age <1 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE0_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 1',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 1 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE1_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 2',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 2 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE2_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 3',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 3 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE3_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 4',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 4 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE4_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 5',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 5 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE5_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 6',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 6 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE6_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 7',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 7 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE7_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 8',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 8 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE8_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 9',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 9 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE9_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 10',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 10 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE10_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 11',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 11 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE11_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 12',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 12 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE12_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 13',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 13 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE13_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 14',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 14 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE14_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 15',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 15 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE15_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 16',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 16 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE16_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 17',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 17 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE17_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 18',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 18 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE18_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 19',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 19 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE19_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 20',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 20 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE20_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 21',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 21 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE21_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 22',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 22 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE22_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 23',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 23 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE23_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 24',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE24_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 25',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 25 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE25_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 26',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 26 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE26_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 27',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 27 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE27_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 28',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 28 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE28_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 29',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 29 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE29_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 30',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 30 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE30_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 31',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 31 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE31_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 32',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 32 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE32_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 33',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 33 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE33_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 34',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE34_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 35',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 35 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE35_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 36',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 36 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE36_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 37',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 37 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE37_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 38',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 38 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE38_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 39',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 39 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE39_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 40',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 40 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE40_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 41',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 41 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE41_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 42',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 42 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE42_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 43',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 43 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE43_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 44',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE44_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 45',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 45 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE45_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 46',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 46 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE46_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 47',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 47 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE47_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 48',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 48 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE48_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 49',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 49 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE49_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 50',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 50 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE50_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 51',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 51 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE51_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 52',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 52 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE52_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 53',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 53 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE53_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 54',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE54_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 55',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 55 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE55_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 56',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 56 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE56_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 57',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 57 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE57_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 58',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 58 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE58_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 59',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 59 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE59_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 60',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 60 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE60_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 61',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 61 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE61_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 62',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 62 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE62_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 63',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 63 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE63_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 64',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE64_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 65',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 65 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE65_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 66',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 66 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE66_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 67',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 67 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE67_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 68',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 68 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE68_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 69',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 69 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE69_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 70',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 70 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE70_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 71',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 71 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE71_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 72',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 72 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE72_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 73',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 73 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE73_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 74',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE74_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 75',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 75 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE75_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 76',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 76 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE76_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 77',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 77 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE77_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 78',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 78 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE78_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 79',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 79 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE79_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 80',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 80 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE80_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 81',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 81 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE81_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 82',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 82 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE82_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 83',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 83 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE83_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Females Age 84',
     'category': '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Female Population Age 84 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE84_CY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Civ Pop 16+/Labor Force',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Civilian Population Age 16+ in Labor Force (Esri)',
     'name': 'CIVLBFR_CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Employed Civilian Pop 16+',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Employed Civilian Population Age 16+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'EMP_CY',
     'percentage': 'CIVLBFR_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Civ Pop 16+/Labor Force',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Industry: Agriculture',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Industry: Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing/Hunting (Esri)',
     'name': 'INDAGRI_CY',
     'percentage': 'INDBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ by Industry Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Industry: Mining',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Industry: Mining/Quarrying/Oil & Gas Extraction (Esri)',
     'name': 'INDMIN_CY',
     'percentage': 'INDBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ by Industry Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Industry: Construction',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Industry: Construction (Esri)',
     'name': 'INDCONS_CY',
     'percentage': 'INDBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ by Industry Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Industry: Manufacturing',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Industry: Manufacturing (Esri)',
     'name': 'INDMANU_CY',
     'percentage': 'INDBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ by Industry Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Industry: Wholesale Trade',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Industry: Wholesale Trade (Esri)',
     'name': 'INDWHTR_CY',
     'percentage': 'INDBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ by Industry Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Industry: Retail Trade',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Industry: Retail Trade (Esri)',
     'name': 'INDRTTR_CY',
     'percentage': 'INDBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ by Industry Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Industry: Transportation',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Industry: Transportation/Warehousing (Esri)',
     'name': 'INDTRAN_CY',
     'percentage': 'INDBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ by Industry Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Industry: Utilities',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Industry: Utilities (Esri)',
     'name': 'INDUTIL_CY',
     'percentage': 'INDBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ by Industry Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Industry: Information',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Industry: Information (Esri)',
     'name': 'INDINFO_CY',
     'percentage': 'INDBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ by Industry Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Industry: Finance/Insurance',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Industry: Finance/Insurance (Esri)',
     'name': 'INDFIN_CY',
     'percentage': 'INDBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ by Industry Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Industry: Real Estate',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Industry: Real Estate/Rental/Leasing (Esri)',
     'name': 'INDRE_CY',
     'percentage': 'INDBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ by Industry Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Industry: Professional/Tech Svcs',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Industry: Professional/Scientific/Tech Services (Esri)',
     'name': 'INDTECH_CY',
     'percentage': 'INDBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ by Industry Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Industry: Management',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Industry: Management of Companies/Enterprises (Esri)',
     'name': 'INDMGMT_CY',
     'percentage': 'INDBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ by Industry Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Industry: Admin/Waste Mgmt',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Industry: Admin/Support/Waste Management Services (Esri)',
     'name': 'INDADMN_CY',
     'percentage': 'INDBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ by Industry Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Industry: Educational Services',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Industry: Educational Services (Esri)',
     'name': 'INDEDUC_CY',
     'percentage': 'INDBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ by Industry Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Industry: Health Care',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Industry: Health Care/Social Assistance (Esri)',
     'name': 'INDHLTH_CY',
     'percentage': 'INDBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ by Industry Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Industry: Arts/Entertainment/Rec',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Industry: Arts/Entertainment/Recreation (Esri)',
     'name': 'INDARTS_CY',
     'percentage': 'INDBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ by Industry Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Industry: Accommodation/Food Svcs',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Industry: Accommodation/Food Services (Esri)',
     'name': 'INDFOOD_CY',
     'percentage': 'INDBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ by Industry Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Industry: Other Services',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Industry: Other Services (excl Public Administration) (Esri)',
     'name': 'INDOTSV_CY',
     'percentage': 'INDBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ by Industry Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Industry: Public Administration',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Industry: Public Administration (Esri)',
     'name': 'INDPUBL_CY',
     'percentage': 'INDBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ by Industry Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Unemployed Population 16+',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Unemployed Population Age 16+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'UNEMP_CY',
     'percentage': 'CIVLBFR_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Civ Pop 16+/Labor Force',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Unemployment Rate',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 1,
     'description': '2016 Unemployment Rate (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 5.9,
     'name': 'UNEMPRT_CY',
     'units': 'pct'},
    {'alias': '2016 Occupation: Management',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Occupation: Management (Esri)',
     'name': 'OCCMGMT_CY',
     'percentage': 'OCCBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ Occupation Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Occupation: Business/Financial',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Occupation: Business/Financial (Esri)',
     'name': 'OCCBUS_CY',
     'percentage': 'OCCBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ Occupation Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Occupation: Computer/Mathmatical',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Occupation: Computer/Mathematical (Esri)',
     'name': 'OCCCOMP_CY',
     'percentage': 'OCCBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ Occupation Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Occupation: Architecture/Engineer',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Occupation: Architecture/Engineering (Esri)',
     'name': 'OCCARCH_CY',
     'percentage': 'OCCBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ Occupation Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Occupation: Life/Social Sciences',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Occupation: Life/Physical/Social Science (Esri)',
     'name': 'OCCSSCI_CY',
     'percentage': 'OCCBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ Occupation Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Occupation: Social Service',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Occupation: Community/Social Service (Esri)',
     'name': 'OCCSSRV_CY',
     'percentage': 'OCCBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ Occupation Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Occupation: Legal',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Occupation: Legal (Esri)',
     'name': 'OCCLEGL_CY',
     'percentage': 'OCCBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ Occupation Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Occupation: Education/Library',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Occupation: Education/Training/Library (Esri)',
     'name': 'OCCEDUC_CY',
     'percentage': 'OCCBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ Occupation Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Occupation: Arts/Entertainment/Rec',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Occupation: Arts/Design/Entertainment/Sports/Media (Esri)',
     'name': 'OCCENT_CY',
     'percentage': 'OCCBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ Occupation Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Occupation: Health Practices',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Occupation: Healthcare Practitioner/Technician (Esri)',
     'name': 'OCCHTCH_CY',
     'percentage': 'OCCBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ Occupation Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Occupation: Health Support',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Occupation: Healthcare Support (Esri)',
     'name': 'OCCHLTH_CY',
     'percentage': 'OCCBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ Occupation Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Occupation: Protective Service',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Occupation: Protective Service (Esri)',
     'name': 'OCCPROT_CY',
     'percentage': 'OCCBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ Occupation Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Occupation: Food Preperation',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Occupation: Food Preparation/Serving Related (Esri)',
     'name': 'OCCFOOD_CY',
     'percentage': 'OCCBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ Occupation Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Occupation: Building Maintenance',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Occupation: Building/Grounds Cleaning/Maintenance (Esri)',
     'name': 'OCCBLDG_CY',
     'percentage': 'OCCBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ Occupation Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Occupation: Personal Care',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Occupation: Personal Care/Service (Esri)',
     'name': 'OCCPERS_CY',
     'percentage': 'OCCBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ Occupation Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Occupation: Sales',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Occupation: Sales and Sales Related (Esri)',
     'name': 'OCCSALE_CY',
     'percentage': 'OCCBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ Occupation Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Occupation: Office/Admin',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Occupation: Office/Administrative Support (Esri)',
     'name': 'OCCADMN_CY',
     'percentage': 'OCCBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ Occupation Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Occupation: Farm/Fish/Forestry',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Occupation: Farming/Fishing/Forestry (Esri)',
     'name': 'OCCFARM_CY',
     'percentage': 'OCCBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ Occupation Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Occupation: Construction/Extraction',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Occupation: Construction/Extraction (Esri)',
     'name': 'OCCCONS_CY',
     'percentage': 'OCCBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ Occupation Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Occupation: Maintenance/Repair',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Occupation: Installation/Maintenance/Repair (Esri)',
     'name': 'OCCMAIN_CY',
     'percentage': 'OCCBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ Occupation Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Occupation: Production',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Occupation: Production (Esri)',
     'name': 'OCCPROD_CY',
     'percentage': 'OCCBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ Occupation Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Occupation: Transportation/Moving',
     'category': '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Occupation: Transportation/Material Moving (Esri)',
     'name': 'OCCTRAN_CY',
     'percentage': 'OCCBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Emp 16+ Occupation Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 White Population',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 White Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'WHITE_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Black Population',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Black/African American Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'BLACK_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 American Indian Population',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 American Indian/Alaska Native Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'AMERIND_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Asian Population',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Asian Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'ASIAN_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Pacific Islander Population',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Pacific Islander Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'PACIFIC_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Other Race Population',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Other Race Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'OTHRACE_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Population of Two or More Races',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Population of Two or More Races (Esri)',
     'name': 'RACE2UP_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Hispanic Population',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Hispanic Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'HISPPOP_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Hispanic White Pop',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Hispanic White Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'HISPWHT_CY',
     'percentage': 'HISPPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Hispanic Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Hispanic Black Pop',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Hispanic Black/African American Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'HISPBLK_CY',
     'percentage': 'HISPPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Hispanic Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Hispanic American Indian Pop',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'HISPAI_CY',
     'percentage': 'HISPPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Hispanic Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Hispanic Asian Pop',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Hispanic Asian Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'HISPASN_CY',
     'percentage': 'HISPPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Hispanic Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Hispanic Pacific Islander Pop',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Hispanic Pacific Islander Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'HISPPI_CY',
     'percentage': 'HISPPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Hispanic Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Hispanic Other Race Pop',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Hispanic Other Race Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'HISPOTH_CY',
     'percentage': 'HISPPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Hispanic Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Hispanic Pop of 2+ Races',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Hispanic Population of Two or More Races (Esri)',
     'name': 'HISPMLT_CY',
     'percentage': 'HISPPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Hispanic Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Non-Hispanic Population',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'NONHISP_CY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Non-Hispanic White Pop',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 White Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'NHSPWHT_CY',
     'percentage': 'NONHISP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Non-Hispanic Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Non-Hispanic Black Pop',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Black/African American Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'NHSPBLK_CY',
     'percentage': 'NONHISP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Non-Hispanic Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Non-Hispanic American Indian Pop',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 American Indian/Alaska Native Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'NHSPAI_CY',
     'percentage': 'NONHISP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Non-Hispanic Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Non-Hispanic Asian Pop',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Asian Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'NHSPASN_CY',
     'percentage': 'NONHISP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Non-Hispanic Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Non-Hispanic Pacific Islander Pop',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Pacific Islander Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'NHSPPI_CY',
     'percentage': 'NONHISP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Non-Hispanic Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Non-Hispanic Other Race Pop',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Other Race Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'NHSPOTH_CY',
     'percentage': 'NONHISP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Non-Hispanic Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Non-Hispanic Multiple Race Pop',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Multiple Races Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'NHSPMLT_CY',
     'percentage': 'NONHISP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Non-Hispanic Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Minority Population',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Minority Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'MINORITYCY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Diversity Index',
     'category': '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 1,
     'description': '2016 Diversity Index (Esri)',
     'name': 'DIVINDX_CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Education: < 9th Grade',
     'category': '2016 Educational Attainment (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Education: Less than 9th Grade (Esri)',
     'name': 'NOHS_CY',
     'percentage': 'EDUCBASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Educational Attainment Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Education: High School/No Diploma',
     'category': '2016 Educational Attainment (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Education: 9-12th Grade/No Diploma (Esri)',
     'name': 'SOMEHS_CY',
     'percentage': 'EDUCBASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Educational Attainment Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Education: High School Diploma',
     'category': '2016 Educational Attainment (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Education: High School Diploma (Esri)',
     'name': 'HSGRAD_CY',
     'percentage': 'EDUCBASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Educational Attainment Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Education: GED',
     'category': '2016 Educational Attainment (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Education: GED/Alternative Credential (Esri)',
     'name': 'GED_CY',
     'percentage': 'EDUCBASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Educational Attainment Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Education: Some College/No Degree',
     'category': '2016 Educational Attainment (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Education: Some College/No Degree (Esri)',
     'name': 'SMCOLL_CY',
     'percentage': 'EDUCBASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Educational Attainment Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': "2016 Education: Associate's Degree",
     'category': '2016 Educational Attainment (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': "2016 Education: Associate's Degree (Esri)",
     'name': 'ASSCDEG_CY',
     'percentage': 'EDUCBASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Educational Attainment Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': "2016 Education: Bachelor's Degree",
     'category': '2016 Educational Attainment (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': "2016 Education: Bachelor's Degree (Esri)",
     'name': 'BACHDEG_CY',
     'percentage': 'EDUCBASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Educational Attainment Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Education: Grad/Professional Degree',
     'category': '2016 Educational Attainment (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Education: Graduate/Professional Degree (Esri)',
     'name': 'GRADDEG_CY',
     'percentage': 'EDUCBASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Educational Attainment Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Pop Age 15+: Never Married',
     'category': '2016 Marital Status (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Population Age 15+: Never Married (Esri)',
     'name': 'NEVMARR_CY',
     'percentage': 'MARBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Marital Status Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Pop Age 15+: Married',
     'category': '2016 Marital Status (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Population Age 15+: Married (Esri)',
     'name': 'MARRIED_CY',
     'percentage': 'MARBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Marital Status Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Pop Age 15+: Widowed',
     'category': '2016 Marital Status (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Population Age 15+: Widowed (Esri)',
     'name': 'WIDOWED_CY',
     'percentage': 'MARBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Marital Status Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Pop Age 15+: Divorced',
     'category': '2016 Marital Status (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Population Age 15+: Divorced (Esri)',
     'name': 'DIVORCD_CY',
     'percentage': 'MARBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Marital Status Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HH Income <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income less than $15,000 (Esri)',
     'name': 'HINC0_CY',
     'percentage': 'HINCBASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Households by Income Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HH Income $15000-24999',
     'category': '2016 Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $15,000-$24,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'HINC15_CY',
     'percentage': 'HINCBASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Households by Income Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HH Income $25000-34999',
     'category': '2016 Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $25,000-$34,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'HINC25_CY',
     'percentage': 'HINCBASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Households by Income Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HH Income $35000-49999',
     'category': '2016 Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $35,000-$49,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'HINC35_CY',
     'percentage': 'HINCBASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Households by Income Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HH Income $50000-74999',
     'category': '2016 Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $50,000-$74,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'HINC50_CY',
     'percentage': 'HINCBASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Households by Income Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HH Income $75000-99999',
     'category': '2016 Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $75,000-$99,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'HINC75_CY',
     'percentage': 'HINCBASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Households by Income Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HH Income $100000-149999',
     'category': '2016 Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $100,000-$149,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'HINC100_CY',
     'percentage': 'HINCBASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Households by Income Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HH Income $150000-199999',
     'category': '2016 Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $150,000-$199,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'HINC150_CY',
     'percentage': 'HINCBASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Households by Income Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HH Income $200000+',
     'category': '2016 Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $200,000 or greater (Esri)',
     'name': 'HINC200_CY',
     'percentage': 'HINCBASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Households by Income Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median Household Income',
     'category': '2016 Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Household Income (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 54149,
     'name': 'MEDHINC_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Average Household Income',
     'category': '2016 Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Household Income (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 77008,
     'name': 'AVGHINC_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Per Capita Income',
     'category': '2016 Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Per Capita Income (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 29472,
     'name': 'PCI_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Inc <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income less than $15,000 and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15I0_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA15BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Inc $15K-24999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $15,000-$24,999 and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15I15_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA15BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Inc $25K-34999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $25,000-$34,999 and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15I25_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA15BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Inc $35K-49999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $35,000-$49,999 and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15I35_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA15BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Inc $50K-74999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $50,000-$74,999 and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15I50_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA15BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Inc $75K-99999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $75,000-$99,999 and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15I75_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA15BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Inc 100K-149999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $100,000-$149,999 and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15I100_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA15BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Inc 150K-199999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $150,000-$199,999 and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15I150_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA15BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Inc $200000+',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $200,000+ and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15I200_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA15BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median HH Inc: HHr 15-24',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Household Income and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 31098,
     'name': 'MEDIA15_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Avg HH Income: HHr 15-24',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Household Income and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 43686,
     'name': 'AVGIA15_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Inc <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income less than $15,000 and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25I0_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA25BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Inc $15K-24999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $15,000-$24,999 and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25I15_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA25BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Inc $25K-34999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $25,000-$34,999 and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25I25_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA25BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Inc $35K-49999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $35,000-$49,999 and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25I35_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA25BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Inc $50K-74999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $50,000-$74,999 and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25I50_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA25BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Inc $75K-99999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $75,000-$99,999 and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25I75_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA25BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Inc 100K-149999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $100,000-$149,999 and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25I100_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA25BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Inc 150K-199999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $150,000-$199,999 and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25I150_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA25BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Inc $200000+',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $200,000+ and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25I200_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA25BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median HH Inc: HHr 25-34',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Household Income and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 51921,
     'name': 'MEDIA25_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Avg HH Income: HHr 25-34',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Household Income and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 67877,
     'name': 'AVGIA25_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Inc <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income less than $15,000 and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35I0_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA35BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Inc $15K-24999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $15,000-$24,999 and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35I15_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA35BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Inc $25K-34999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $25,000-$34,999 and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35I25_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA35BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Inc $35K-49999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $35,000-$49,999 and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35I35_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA35BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Inc $50K-74999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $50,000-$74,999 and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35I50_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA35BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Inc $75K-99999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $75,000-$99,999 and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35I75_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA35BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Inc 100K-149999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $100,000-$149,999 and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35I100_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA35BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Inc 150K-199999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $150,000-$199,999 and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35I150_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA35BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Inc $200000+',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $200,000+ and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35I200_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA35BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median HH Inc: HHr 35-44',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Household Income and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 62870,
     'name': 'MEDIA35_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Avg HH Income: HHr 35-44',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Household Income and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 85635,
     'name': 'AVGIA35_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Inc <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income less than $15,000 and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45I0_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA45BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Inc $15K-24999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $15,000-$24,999 and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45I15_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA45BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Inc $25K-34999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $25,000-$34,999 and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45I25_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA45BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Inc $35K-49999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $35,000-$49,999 and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45I35_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA45BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Inc $50K-74999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $50,000-$74,999 and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45I50_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA45BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Inc $75K-99999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $75,000-$99,999 and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45I75_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA45BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Inc 100K-149999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $100,000-$149,999 and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45I100_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA45BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Inc 150K-199999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $150,000-$199,999 and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45I150_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA45BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Inc $200000+',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $200,000+ and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45I200_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA45BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median HH Inc: HHr 45-54',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Household Income and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 72321,
     'name': 'MEDIA45_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Avg HH Income: HHr 45-54',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Household Income and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 95650,
     'name': 'AVGIA45_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Inc <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income less than $15,000 and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55I0_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA55BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Inc $15K-24999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $15,000-$24,999 and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55I15_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA55BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Inc $25K-34999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $25,000-$34,999 and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55I25_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA55BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Inc $35K-49999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $35,000-$49,999 and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55I35_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA55BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Inc $50K-74999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $50,000-$74,999 and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55I50_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA55BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Inc $75K-99999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $75,000-$99,999 and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55I75_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA55BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Inc 100K-149999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $100,000-$149,999 and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55I100_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA55BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Inc 150K-199999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $150,000-$199,999 and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55I150_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA55BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Inc $200000+',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $200,000+ and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55I200_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA55BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median HH Inc: HHr 55-64',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Household Income and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 62296,
     'name': 'MEDIA55_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Avg HH Income: HHr 55-64',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Household Income and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 86402,
     'name': 'AVGIA55_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Inc <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income less than $15,000 and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65I0_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA65BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Inc $15K-24999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $15,000-$24,999 and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65I15_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA65BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Inc $25K-34999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $25,000-$34,999 and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65I25_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA65BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Inc $35K-49999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $35,000-$49,999 and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65I35_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA65BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Inc $50K-74999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $50,000-$74,999 and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65I50_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA65BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Inc $75K-99999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $75,000-$99,999 and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65I75_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA65BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Inc 100K-149999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $100,000-$149,999 and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65I100_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA65BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Inc 150K-199999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $150,000-$199,999 and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65I150_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA65BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Inc $200000+',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $200,000+ and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65I200_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA65BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median HH Inc: HHr 65-74',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Household Income and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 48205,
     'name': 'MEDIA65_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Avg HH Income: HHr 65-74',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Household Income and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 71017,
     'name': 'AVGIA65_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Inc <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income less than $15,000 and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75I0_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA75BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Inc $15K-24999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $15,000-$24,999 and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75I15_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA75BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Inc $25K-34999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $25,000-$34,999 and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75I25_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA75BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Inc $35K-49999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $35,000-$49,999 and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75I35_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA75BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Inc $50K-74999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $50,000-$74,999 and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75I50_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA75BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Inc $75K-99999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $75,000-$99,999 and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75I75_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA75BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Inc 100K-149999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $100,000-$149,999 and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75I100_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA75BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Inc 150K-199999',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $150,000-$199,999 and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75I150_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA75BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Inc $200000+',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Household Income $200,000+ and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75I200_CY',
     'percentage': 'IA75BASECY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 HH Income Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median HH Inc: HHr 75+',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Household Income and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 31107,
     'name': 'MEDIA75_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Avg HH Income: HHr 75+',
     'category': '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Household Income and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 47508,
     'name': 'AVGIA75_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Disposable Income <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income less than $15,000 (Esri)',
     'name': 'DI0_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Income Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Disposable Income $15000-$24999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $15,000-$24,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'DI15_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Income Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Disposable Income $25000-$34999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $25,000-$34,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'DI25_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Income Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Disposable Income $35000-$49999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $35,000-$49,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'DI35_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Income Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Disposable Income $50000-$74999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $50,000-$74,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'DI50_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Income Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Disposable Income $75000-$99999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $75,000-$99,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'DI75_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Income Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Disposable Income $100000-$149999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $100,000-$149,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'DI100_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Income Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Disposable Income $150000-$199999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $150,000-$199,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'DI150_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Income Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Disposable Income $200000+',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $200,000 or greater (Esri)',
     'name': 'DI200_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Income Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHs w/Aggregate Disposable Income',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Aggregate Disposable Income',
     'name': 'AGGDI_CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median Disposable Income',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Disposable Income (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 44652,
     'name': 'MEDDI_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Average Disposable Income',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Disposable Income (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 58342,
     'name': 'AVGDI_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Disposable Inc <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income less than $15,000 and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15DI0_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA15BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Disposable Inc $15K-24999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $15,000-$24,999 and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15DI15_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA15BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Disposable Inc $25K-34999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $25,000-$34,999 and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15DI25_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA15BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Disposable Inc $35K-49999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $35,000-$49,999 and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15DI35_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA15BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Disposable Inc $50K-74999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $50,000-$74,999 and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15DI50_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA15BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Disposable Inc $75K-99999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $75,000-$99,999 and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15DI75_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA15BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Disposable Inc $100K-149999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $100,000-$149,999 and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15DI100CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA15BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Disposable Inc $150K-199999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $150,000-$199,999 and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15DI150CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA15BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Disposable Inc $200000+',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $200,000+ and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15DI200CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA15BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Aggr Disposable Inc',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Aggregate Disposable Income: Householder 15-24',
     'name': 'AGGDIA15CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median Disposable Inc: HHr 15-24',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Disposable Income and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 27978,
     'name': 'MEDDIA15CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Average Disposable Inc: HHr 15-24',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Disposable Income and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 37070,
     'name': 'AVGDIA15CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Disposable Inc <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income less than $15,000 and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25DI0_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA25BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Disposable Inc $15K-24999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $15,000-$24,999 and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25DI15_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA25BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Disposable Inc $25K-34999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $25,000-$34,999 and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25DI25_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA25BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Disposable Inc $35K-49999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $35,000-$49,999 and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25DI35_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA25BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Disposable Inc $50K-74999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $50,000-$74,999 and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25DI50_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA25BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Disposable Inc $75K-99999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $75,000-$99,999 and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25DI75_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA25BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Disposable Inc $100K-149999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $100,000-$149,999 and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25DI100CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA25BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Disposable Inc $150K-199999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $150,000-$199,999 and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25DI150CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA25BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Disposable Inc $200000+',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $200,000+ and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25DI200CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA25BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Aggr Disposable Inc',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Aggregate Disposable Income: Householder 25-34',
     'name': 'AGGDIA25CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median Disposable Inc: HHr 25-34',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Disposable Income and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 42151,
     'name': 'MEDDIA25CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Average Disposable Inc: HHr 25-34',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Disposable Income and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 51508,
     'name': 'AVGDIA25CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Disposable Inc <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income less than $15,000 and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35DI0_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA35BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Disposable Inc $15K-24999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $15,000-$24,999 and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35DI15_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA35BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Disposable Inc $25K-34999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $25,000-$34,999 and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35DI25_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA35BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Disposable Inc $35K-49999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $35,000-$49,999 and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35DI35_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA35BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Disposable Inc $50K-74999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $50,000-$74,999 and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35DI50_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA35BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Disposable Inc $75K-99999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $75,000-$99,999 and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35DI75_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA35BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Disposable Inc $100K-149999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $100,000-$149,999 and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35DI100CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA35BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Disposable Inc $150K-199999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $150,000-$199,999 and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35DI150CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA35BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Disposable Inc $200000+',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $200,000+ and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35DI200CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA35BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Aggr Disposable Inc',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Aggregate Disposable Income: Householder 35-44',
     'name': 'AGGDIA35CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median Disposable Inc: HHr 35-44',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Disposable Income and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 51422,
     'name': 'MEDDIA35CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Average Disposable Inc: HHr 35-44',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Disposable Income and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 61750,
     'name': 'AVGDIA35CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Disposable Inc <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income less than $15,000 and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45DI0_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA45BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Disposable Inc $15K-24999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $15,000-$24,999 and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45DI15_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA45BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Disposable Inc $25K-34999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $25,000-$34,999 and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45DI25_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA45BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Disposable Inc $35K-49999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $35,000-$49,999 and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45DI35_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA45BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Disposable Inc $50K-74999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $50,000-$74,999 and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45DI50_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA45BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Disposable Inc $75K-99999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $75,000-$99,999 and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45DI75_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA45BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Disposable Inc $100K-149999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $100,000-$149,999 and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45DI100CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA45BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Disposable Inc $150K-199999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $150,000-$199,999 and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45DI150CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA45BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Disposable Inc $200000+',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $200,000+ and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45DI200CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA45BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Aggr Disposable Inc',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Aggregate Disposable Income: Householder 45-54',
     'name': 'AGGDIA45CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median Disposable Inc: HHr 45-54',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Disposable Income and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 57744,
     'name': 'MEDDIA45CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Average Disposable Inc: HHr 45-54',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Disposable Income and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 73267,
     'name': 'AVGDIA45CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Disposable Inc <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income less than $15,000 and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55DI0_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA55BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Disposable Inc $15K-24999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $15,000-$24,999 and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55DI15_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA55BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Disposable Inc $25K-34999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $25,000-$34,999 and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55DI25_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA55BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Disposable Inc $35K-49999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $35,000-$49,999 and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55DI35_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA55BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Disposable Inc $50K-74999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $50,000-$74,999 and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55DI50_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA55BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Disposable Inc $75K-99999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $75,000-$99,999 and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55DI75_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA55BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Disposable Inc $100K-149999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $100,000-$149,999 and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55DI100CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA55BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Disposable Inc $150K-199999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $150,000-$199,999 and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55DI150CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA55BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Disposable Inc $200000+',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $200,000+ and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55DI200CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA55BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Aggr Disposable Inc',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Aggregate Disposable Income: Householder 55-64',
     'name': 'AGGDIA55CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median Disposable Inc: HHr 55-64',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Disposable Income and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 50289,
     'name': 'MEDDIA55CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Average Disposable Inc: HHr 55-64',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Disposable Income and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 64330,
     'name': 'AVGDIA55CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Disposable Inc <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income less than $15,000 and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65DI0_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA65BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Disposable Inc $15K-24999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $15,000-$24,999 and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65DI15_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA65BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Disposable Inc $25K-34999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $25,000-$34,999 and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65DI25_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA65BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Disposable Inc $35K-49999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $35,000-$49,999 and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65DI35_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA65BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Disposable Inc $50K-74999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $50,000-$74,999 and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65DI50_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA65BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Disposable Inc $75K-99999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $75,000-$99,999 and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65DI75_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA65BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Disposable Inc $100K-149999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $100,000-$149,999 and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65DI100CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA65BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Disposable Inc $150K-199999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $150,000-$199,999 and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65DI150CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA65BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Disposable Inc $200000+',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $200,000+ and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65DI200CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA65BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Aggr Disposable Inc',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Aggregate Disposable Income: Householder 65-74',
     'name': 'AGGDIA65CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median Disposable Inc: HHr 65-74',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Disposable Income and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 39403,
     'name': 'MEDDIA65CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Average Disposable Inc: HHr 65-74',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Disposable Income and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 55038,
     'name': 'AVGDIA65CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Disposable Inc <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income less than $15,000 and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75DI0_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA75BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Disposable Inc $15K-24999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $15,000-$24,999 and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75DI15_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA75BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Disposable Inc $25K-34999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $25,000-$34,999 and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75DI25_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA75BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Disposable Inc $35K-49999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $35,000-$49,999 and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75DI35_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA75BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Disposable Inc $50K-74999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $50,000-$74,999 and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75DI50_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA75BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Disposable Inc $75K-99999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $75,000-$99,999 and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75DI75_CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA75BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Disposable Inc $100K-149999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $100,000-$149,999 and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75DI100CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA75BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Disposable Inc $150K-199999',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $150,000-$199,999 and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75DI150CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA75BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Disposable Inc $200000+',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Disposable Income $200,000 or greater and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75DI200CY',
     'percentage': 'DIA75BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Disposable Inc Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Aggregate Disposable Inc',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Aggregate Disposable Income: Householder 75+',
     'name': 'AGGDIA75CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median Disposable Inc: HHr 75+',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Disposable Income and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 26657,
     'name': 'MEDDIA75CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Average Disposable Inc: HHr 75+',
     'category': '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Disposable Income and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 38257,
     'name': 'AVGDIA75CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Net Worth <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth less than $15,000 (Esri)',
     'name': 'NW0_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Net Worth $15000-$34999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $15,000-$34,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'NW15_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Net Worth $35000-$49999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $35,000-$49,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'NW35_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Net Worth $50000-$74999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $50,000-$74,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'NW50_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Net Worth $75000-$99999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $75,000-$99,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'NW75_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Net Worth $100000-$149999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $100,000-$149,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'NW100_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Net Worth $150000-$249999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $150,000-$249,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'NW150_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Net Worth $250000-$499999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $250,000-$499,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'NW250_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Net Worth $500000+',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $500,000 or greater (Esri)',
     'name': 'NW500_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHs w/Aggregate Net Worth',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Aggregate Net Worth',
     'name': 'AGGNW_CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median Net Worth',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Net Worth (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 86980,
     'name': 'MEDNW_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Average Net Worth',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Net Worth (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 574193,
     'name': 'AVGNW_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Net Worth <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth less than $15,000 and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15NW0_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA15BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Net Worth $15K-34999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $15,000-$34,999 and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15NW15_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA15BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Net Worth $35K-49999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $35,000-$49,999 and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15NW35_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA15BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Net Worth $50K-99999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $50,000-$99,999 and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15NW50_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA15BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Net Worth $100K-149999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $100,000-$149,999 and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15NW100CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA15BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Net Worth $150K-249999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $150,000-$249,999 and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15NW150CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA15BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Net Worth $250000+',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $250,000 or greater and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A15NW250CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA15BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 15-24',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 15-24/Aggregate Net Worth',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Aggregate Net Worth: Householder 15-24',
     'name': 'AGGNWA15CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median Net Worth: HHr 15-24',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Net Worth and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 10386,
     'name': 'MEDNWA15CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Avg Net Worth: HHr 15-24',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Net Worth and Householder Age 15-24 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 29793,
     'name': 'AVGNWA15CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Net Worth <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth less than $15,000 and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25NW0_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA25BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Net Worth $15K-34999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $15,000-$34,999 and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25NW15_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA25BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Net Worth $35K-49999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $35,000-$49,999 and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25NW35_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA25BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Net Worth $50K-99999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $50,000-$99,999 and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25NW50_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA25BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Net Worth $100K-149999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $100,000-$149,999 and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25NW100CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA25BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Net Worth $150K-249999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $150,000-$249,999 and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25NW150CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA25BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Net Worth $250000+',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $250,000 or greater and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A25NW250CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA25BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 25-34',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 25-34/Aggregate Net Worth',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Aggregate Net Worth: Householder 25-34',
     'name': 'AGGNWA25CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median Net Worth: HHr 25-34',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Net Worth and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 14501,
     'name': 'MEDNWA25CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Avg Net Worth: HHr 25-34',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Net Worth and Householder Age 25-34 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 90922,
     'name': 'AVGNWA25CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Net Worth <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth less than $15,000 and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35NW0_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA35BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Net Worth $15K-34999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $15,000-$34,999 and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35NW15_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA35BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Net Worth $35K-49999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $35,000-$49,999 and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35NW35_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA35BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Net Worth $50K-99999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $50,000-$99,999 and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35NW50_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA35BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Net Worth $100K-149999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $100,000-$149,999 and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35NW100CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA35BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Net Worth $150K-249999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $150,000-$249,999 and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35NW150CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA35BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Net Worth $250000+',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $250,000 or greater and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A35NW250CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA35BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 35-44',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 35-44/Aggregate Net Worth',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Aggregate Net Worth: Householder 35-44',
     'name': 'AGGNWA35CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median Net Worth: HHr 35-44',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Net Worth and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 47183,
     'name': 'MEDNWA35CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Avg Net Worth: HHr 35-44',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Net Worth and Householder Age 35-44 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 355445,
     'name': 'AVGNWA35CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Net Worth <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth less than $15,000 and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45NW0_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA45BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Net Worth $15K-34999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $15,000-$34,999 and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45NW15_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA45BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Net Worth $35K-49999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $35,000-$49,999 and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45NW35_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA45BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Net Worth $50K-99999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $50,000-$99,999 and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45NW50_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA45BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Net Worth $100K-149999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $100,000-$149,999 and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45NW100CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA45BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Net Worth $150K-249999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $150,000-$249,999 and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45NW150CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA45BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Net Worth $250000+',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $250,000 or greater and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A45NW250CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA45BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 45-54',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 45-54/Aggregate Net Worth',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Aggregate Net Worth: Householder 45-54',
     'name': 'AGGNWA45CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median Net Worth: HHr 45-54',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Net Worth and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 112771,
     'name': 'MEDNWA45CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Avg Net Worth: HHr 45-54',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Net Worth and Householder Age 45-54 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 565290,
     'name': 'AVGNWA45CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Net Worth <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth less than $15,000 and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55NW0_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA55BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Net Worth $15K-34999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $15,000-$34,999 and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55NW15_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA55BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Net Worth $35K-49999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $35,000-$49,999 and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55NW35_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA55BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Net Worth $50K-99999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $50,000-$99,999 and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55NW50_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA55BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Net Worth $100K-149999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $100,000-$149,999 and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55NW100CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA55BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Net Worth $150K-249999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $150,000-$249,999 and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55NW150CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA55BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Net Worth $250000+',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $250,000 or greater and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A55NW250CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA55BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 55-64',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 55-64/Aggregate Net Worth',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Aggregate Net Worth: Householder 55-64',
     'name': 'AGGNWA55CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median Net Worth: HHr 55-64',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Net Worth and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 172632,
     'name': 'MEDNWA55CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Avg Net Worth: HHr 55-64',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Net Worth and Householder Age 55-64 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 833812,
     'name': 'AVGNWA55CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Net Worth <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth less than $15,000 and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65NW0_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA65BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Net Worth $15K-34999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $15,000-$34,999 and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65NW15_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA65BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Net Worth $35K-49999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $35,000-$49,999 and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65NW35_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA65BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Net Worth $50K-99999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $50,000-$99,999 and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65NW50_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA65BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Net Worth $100K-149999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $100,000-$149,999 and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65NW100CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA65BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Net Worth $150K-249999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $150,000-$249,999 and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65NW150CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA65BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/Net Worth $250000+',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $250,000 or greater and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'A65NW250CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA65BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 65-74',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 65-74/ Aggregate Net Worth',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Aggregate Net Worth: Householder 65-74',
     'name': 'AGGNWA65CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median Net Worth: HHr 65-74',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Net Worth and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 250001,
     'name': 'MEDNWA65CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Avg Net Worth: HHr 65-74',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Net Worth and Householder Age 65-74 (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 1112401,
     'name': 'AVGNWA65CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Net Worth <$15000',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth less than $15,000 and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75NW0_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA75BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Net Worth $15K-34999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $15,000-$34,999 and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75NW15_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA75BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Net Worth $35K-49999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $35,000-$49,999 and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75NW35_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA75BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Net Worth $50K-99999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $50,000-$99,999 and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75NW50_CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA75BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Net Worth $100K-149999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $100,000-$149,999 and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75NW100CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA75BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Net Worth $150K-249999',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $150,000-$249,999 and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75NW150CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA75BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Net Worth $250000+',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Net Worth $250,000 or greater and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'A75NW250CY',
     'percentage': 'NWA75BASCY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Net Worth Base/HHr 75+',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 HHr 75+/Agrregate Net Worth',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Aggregate Net Worth: Householder 75+',
     'name': 'AGGNWA75CY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median Net Worth: HHr 75+',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Net Worth and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 206125,
     'name': 'MEDNWA75CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Avg Net Worth: HHr 75+',
     'category': '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Net Worth and Householder Age 75+ (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 669004,
     'name': 'AVGNWA75CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Home Value <$50000',
     'category': '2016 Home Value (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Home Value less than $50,000 (Esri)',
     'name': 'VAL0_CY',
     'percentage': 'VALBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Home Value Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Home Value $50K-99999',
     'category': '2016 Home Value (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Home Value $50,000-$99,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'VAL50K_CY',
     'percentage': 'VALBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Home Value Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Home Value $100K-149999',
     'category': '2016 Home Value (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Home Value $100,000-$149,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'VAL100K_CY',
     'percentage': 'VALBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Home Value Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Home Value $150K-199999',
     'category': '2016 Home Value (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Home Value $150,000-$199,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'VAL150K_CY',
     'percentage': 'VALBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Home Value Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Home Value $200K-249999',
     'category': '2016 Home Value (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Home Value $200,000-$249,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'VAL200K_CY',
     'percentage': 'VALBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Home Value Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Home Value $250K-299999',
     'category': '2016 Home Value (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Home Value $250,000-$299,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'VAL250K_CY',
     'percentage': 'VALBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Home Value Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Home Value $300K-399999',
     'category': '2016 Home Value (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Home Value $300,000-$399,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'VAL300K_CY',
     'percentage': 'VALBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Home Value Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Home Value $400K-499999',
     'category': '2016 Home Value (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Home Value $400,000-$499,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'VAL400K_CY',
     'percentage': 'VALBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Home Value Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Home Value $500K-749999',
     'category': '2016 Home Value (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Home Value $500,000-$749,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'VAL500K_CY',
     'percentage': 'VALBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Home Value Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Home Value $750K-999999',
     'category': '2016 Home Value (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Home Value $750,000-$999,999 (Esri)',
     'name': 'VAL750K_CY',
     'percentage': 'VALBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Home Value Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Home Value $1000000+',
     'category': '2016 Home Value (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Home Value $1,000,000 or greater (Esri)',
     'name': 'VAL1M_CY',
     'percentage': 'VALBASE_CY',
     'percentageAlias': '2016 Home Value Base',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016 Median Home Value',
     'category': '2016 Home Value (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Median Home Value (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 198891,
     'name': 'MEDVAL_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2016 Average Home Value',
     'category': '2016 Home Value (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2016 Average Home Value (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 278061,
     'name': 'AVGVAL_CY',
     'units': 'currency'},
    {'alias': '2021 Total Population',
     'category': '2021 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population in Households',
     'category': '2021 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Household Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'HHPOP_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population in Families',
     'category': '2021 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Family Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAMPOP_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population in Group Quarters',
     'category': '2021 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Group Quarters Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'GQPOP_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Density',
     'category': '2021 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 1,
     'description': '2021 Population Density (Pop per Square Mile) (Esri)',
     'name': 'POPDENS_FY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Total Households',
     'category': '2021 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Households (Esri)',
     'name': 'TOTHH_FY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Average Household Size',
     'category': '2021 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 2,
     'description': '2021 Average Household Size (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 2.6,
     'name': 'AVGHHSZ_FY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Family Households',
     'category': '2021 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Family Households (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAMHH_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTHH_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Households',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Average Family Size',
     'category': '2021 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 2,
     'description': '2021 Average Family Size (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 3.18,
     'name': 'AVGFMSZ_FY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Total Housing Units',
     'category': '2021 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Housing Units (Esri)',
     'name': 'TOTHU_FY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Owner Occupied HUs',
     'category': '2021 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Owner Occupied Housing Units (Esri)',
     'name': 'OWNER_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTHH_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Households',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Renter Occupied HUs',
     'category': '2021 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Renter Occupied Housing Units (Esri)',
     'name': 'RENTER_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTHH_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Households',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Vacant Housing Units',
     'category': '2021 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Vacant Housing Units (Esri)',
     'name': 'VACANT_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTHU_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Housing Units',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2016-2021 Growth/Yr: Population',
     'category': '2021 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 2,
     'description': '2016-2021 Population: Annual Growth Rate (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 0.84,
     'name': 'POPGRWCYFY',
     'units': 'pct'},
    {'alias': '2016-2021 Growth/Yr: Households',
     'category': '2021 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 2,
     'description': '2016-2021 Households: Annual Growth Rate (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 0.79,
     'name': 'HHGRWCYFY',
     'units': 'pct'},
    {'alias': '2016-2021 Growth/Yr: Families',
     'category': '2021 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 2,
     'description': '2016-2021 Families: Annual Growth Rate (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 0.72,
     'name': 'FAMGRWCYFY',
     'units': 'pct'},
    {'alias': '2016-2021 Growth/Yr: Per Capita Income',
     'category': '2021 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 2,
     'description': '2016-2021 Per Capita Income: Annual Growth Rate (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 1.68,
     'name': 'PCIGRWCYFY',
     'units': 'pct'},
    {'alias': '2016-2021 Growth/Yr: Owner Occ HUs',
     'category': '2021 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 2,
     'description': '2016-2021 Owner Occupied Housing Units Annual Compound Growth Rate (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 0.73,
     'name': 'OWNGRWCYFY',
     'units': 'pct'},
    {'alias': '2016-2021 Growth/Yr: Median HH Inc',
     'category': '2021 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 2,
     'description': '2016-2021 Median Household Income: Annual Growth Rate (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 1.89,
     'name': 'MHIGRWCYFY',
     'units': 'pct'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 0-4',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 0-4 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP0_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 5-9',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 5-9 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP5_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 10-14',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 10-14 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP10_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 15-19',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 15-19 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP15_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 20-24',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 20-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP20_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 25-29',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 25-29 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP25_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 30-34',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 30-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP30_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 35-39',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 35-39 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP35_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 40-44',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 40-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP40_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 45-49',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 45-49 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP45_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 50-54',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 50-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP50_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 55-59',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 55-59 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP55_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 60-64',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 60-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP60_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 65-69',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 65-69 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP65_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 70-74',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 70-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP70_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 75-79',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 75-79 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP75_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 80-84',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 80-84 (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP80_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 85+',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 85+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP85_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 18+',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 18+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP18UP_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 21+',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 21+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'POP21UP_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Median Age',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 1,
     'description': '2021 Median Age (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 38.7,
     'name': 'MEDAGE_FY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Male Population',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 0-4',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 0-4 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE0_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 5-9',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 5-9 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE5_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 10-14',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 10-14 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE10_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 15-19',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 15-19 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE15_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 20-24',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 20-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE20_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 25-29',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 25-29 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE25_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 30-34',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 30-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE30_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 35-39',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 35-39 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE35_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 40-44',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 40-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE40_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 45-49',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 45-49 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE45_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 50-54',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 50-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE50_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 55-59',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 55-59 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE55_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 60-64',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 60-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE60_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 65-69',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 65-69 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE65_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 70-74',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 70-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE70_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 75-79',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 75-79 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE75_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 80-84',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 80-84 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE80_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 85+',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 85+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'MALE85_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 18+',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 18+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAL18UP_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 21+',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 21+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAL21UP_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Median Male Age',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 1,
     'description': '2021 Median Male Age (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 37.5,
     'name': 'MEDMAGE_FY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Female Population',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 0-4',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 0-4 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM0_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 5-9',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 5-9 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM5_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 10-14',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 10-14 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM10_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 15-19',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 15-19 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM15_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 20-24',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 20-24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM20_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 25-29',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 25-29 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM25_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 30-34',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 30-34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM30_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 35-39',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 35-39 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM35_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 40-44',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 40-44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM40_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 45-49',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 45-49 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM45_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 50-54',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 50-54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM50_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 55-59',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 55-59 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM55_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 60-64',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 60-64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM60_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 65-69',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 65-69 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM65_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 70-74',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 70-74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM70_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 75-79',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 75-79 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM75_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 80-84',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 80-84 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM80_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 85+',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 85+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM85_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 18+',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 18+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM18UP_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 21+',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 21+ (Esri)',
     'name': 'FEM21UP_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Median Female Age',
     'category': '2021 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 1,
     'description': '2021 Median Female Age (Esri)',
     'indexBase': 39.9,
     'name': 'MEDFAGE_FY',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age <1',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age <1 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE0_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 1',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 1 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE1_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 2',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 2 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE2_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 3',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 3 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE3_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 4',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 4 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE4_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 5',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 5 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE5_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 6',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 6 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE6_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 7',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 7 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE7_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 8',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 8 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE8_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 9',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 9 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE9_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 10',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 10 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE10_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 11',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 11 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE11_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 12',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 12 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE12_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 13',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 13 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE13_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 14',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 14 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE14_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 15',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 15 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE15_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 16',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 16 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE16_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 17',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 17 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE17_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 18',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 18 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE18_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 19',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 19 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE19_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 20',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 20 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE20_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 21',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 21 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE21_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 22',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 22 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE22_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 23',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 23 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE23_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 24',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE24_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 25',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 25 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE25_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 26',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 26 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE26_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 27',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 27 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE27_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 28',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 28 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE28_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 29',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 29 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE29_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 30',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 30 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE30_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 31',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 31 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE31_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 32',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 32 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE32_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 33',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 33 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE33_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 34',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE34_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 35',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 35 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE35_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 36',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 36 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE36_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 37',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 37 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE37_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 38',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 38 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE38_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 39',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 39 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE39_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 40',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 40 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE40_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 41',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 41 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE41_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 42',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 42 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE42_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 43',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 43 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE43_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 44',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE44_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 45',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 45 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE45_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 46',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 46 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE46_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 47',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 47 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE47_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 48',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 48 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE48_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 49',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 49 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE49_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 50',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 50 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE50_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 51',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 51 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE51_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 52',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 52 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE52_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 53',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 53 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE53_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 54',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE54_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 55',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 55 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE55_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 56',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 56 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE56_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 57',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 57 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE57_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 58',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 58 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE58_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 59',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 59 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE59_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 60',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 60 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE60_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 61',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 61 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE61_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 62',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 62 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE62_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 63',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 63 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE63_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 64',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE64_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 65',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 65 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE65_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 66',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 66 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE66_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 67',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 67 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE67_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 68',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 68 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE68_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 69',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 69 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE69_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 70',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 70 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE70_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 71',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 71 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE71_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 72',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 72 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE72_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 73',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 73 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE73_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 74',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE74_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 75',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 75 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE75_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 76',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 76 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE76_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 77',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 77 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE77_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 78',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 78 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE78_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 79',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 79 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE79_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 80',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 80 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE80_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 81',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 81 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE81_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 82',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 82 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE82_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 83',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 83 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE83_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Population Age 84',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Total Population Age 84 (Esri)',
     'name': 'AGE84_FY',
     'percentage': 'TOTPOP_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Total Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age <1',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age <1 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE0_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 1',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 1 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE1_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 2',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 2 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE2_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 3',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 3 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE3_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 4',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 4 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE4_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 5',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 5 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE5_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 6',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 6 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE6_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 7',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 7 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE7_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 8',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 8 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE8_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 9',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 9 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE9_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 10',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 10 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE10_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 11',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 11 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE11_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 12',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 12 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE12_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 13',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 13 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE13_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 14',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 14 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE14_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 15',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 15 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE15_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 16',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 16 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE16_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 17',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 17 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE17_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 18',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 18 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE18_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 19',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 19 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE19_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 20',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 20 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE20_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 21',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 21 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE21_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 22',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 22 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE22_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 23',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 23 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE23_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 24',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE24_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 25',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 25 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE25_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 26',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 26 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE26_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 27',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 27 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE27_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 28',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 28 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE28_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 29',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 29 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE29_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 30',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 30 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE30_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 31',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 31 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE31_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 32',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 32 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE32_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 33',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 33 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE33_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 34',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE34_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 35',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 35 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE35_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 36',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 36 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE36_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 37',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 37 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE37_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 38',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 38 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE38_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 39',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 39 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE39_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 40',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 40 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE40_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 41',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 41 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE41_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 42',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 42 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE42_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 43',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 43 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE43_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 44',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE44_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 45',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 45 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE45_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 46',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 46 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE46_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 47',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 47 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE47_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 48',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 48 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE48_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 49',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 49 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE49_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 50',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 50 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE50_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 51',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 51 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE51_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 52',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 52 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE52_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 53',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 53 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE53_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 54',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 54 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE54_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 55',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 55 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE55_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 56',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 56 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE56_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 57',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 57 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE57_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 58',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 58 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE58_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 59',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 59 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE59_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 60',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 60 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE60_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 61',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 61 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE61_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 62',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 62 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE62_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 63',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 63 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE63_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 64',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 64 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE64_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 65',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 65 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE65_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 66',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 66 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE66_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 67',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 67 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE67_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 68',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 68 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE68_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 69',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 69 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE69_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 70',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 70 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE70_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 71',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 71 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE71_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 72',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 72 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE72_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 73',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 73 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE73_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 74',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 74 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE74_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 75',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 75 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE75_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 76',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 76 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE76_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 77',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 77 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE77_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 78',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 78 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE78_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 79',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 79 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE79_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 80',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 80 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE80_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 81',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 81 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE81_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 82',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 82 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE82_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 83',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 83 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE83_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Males Age 84',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Male Population Age 84 (Esri)',
     'name': 'MAGE84_FY',
     'percentage': 'MALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Male Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age <1',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age <1 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE0_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 1',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 1 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE1_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 2',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 2 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE2_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 3',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 3 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE3_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 4',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 4 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE4_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 5',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 5 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE5_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 6',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 6 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE6_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 7',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 7 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE7_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 8',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 8 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE8_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 9',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 9 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE9_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 10',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 10 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE10_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 11',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 11 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE11_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 12',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 12 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE12_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 13',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 13 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE13_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 14',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 14 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE14_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 15',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 15 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE15_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 16',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 16 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE16_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 17',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 17 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE17_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 18',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 18 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE18_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 19',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 19 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE19_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 20',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 20 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE20_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 21',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 21 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE21_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 22',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 22 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE22_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 23',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 23 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE23_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 24',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 24 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE24_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 25',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 25 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE25_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 26',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 26 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE26_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 27',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 27 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE27_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 28',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 28 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE28_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 29',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 29 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE29_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 30',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 30 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE30_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 31',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 31 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE31_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 32',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 32 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE32_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 33',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 33 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE33_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 34',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 34 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE34_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 35',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 35 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE35_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 36',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 36 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE36_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 37',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 37 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE37_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 38',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 38 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE38_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 39',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 39 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE39_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 40',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 40 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE40_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 41',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 41 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE41_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 42',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 42 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE42_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 43',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 43 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE43_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 44',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 44 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE44_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 45',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 45 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE45_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},
    {'alias': '2021 Females Age 46',
     'category': '2021 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
     'countryAbbrev': 'US',
     'datasetID': 'USA_ESRI_2016',
     'decimals': 0,
     'description': '2021 Female Population Age 46 (Esri)',
     'name': 'FAGE46_FY',
     'percentage': 'FEMALES_FY',
     'percentageAlias': '2021 Female Population',
     'units': 'count'},

In [11]:
fs_service_area = arcgis.features.FeatureSet(result_service_area['saPolygons']['features'])

Convert the JSON response to a Pandas DataFrame filtered to just use the fields with names ending in _CY for current year variabes, which are the basic descriptive demographics. Using the DataFrame makes getting summarized values a little easier.

In [106]:
df = pd.DataFrame([field for field in resp_get_vars['results'][0]['value'] if field['name'].endswith('_CY')])

alias category countryAbbrev datasetID decimals description indexBase name percentage percentageAlias units
0 2016 Total Population 2016 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri) US USA_ESRI_2016 0 2016 Total Population (Esri) NaN TOTPOP_CY NaN NaN count
1 2016 Population in Households 2016 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri) US USA_ESRI_2016 0 2016 Household Population (Esri) NaN HHPOP_CY TOTPOP_CY 2016 Total Population count
2 2016 Population in Families 2016 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri) US USA_ESRI_2016 0 2016 Family Population (Esri) NaN FAMPOP_CY TOTPOP_CY 2016 Total Population count
3 2016 Population in Group Quarters 2016 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri) US USA_ESRI_2016 0 2016 Group Quarters Population (Esri) NaN GQPOP_CY TOTPOP_CY 2016 Total Population count
4 2016 Population Density 2016 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri) US USA_ESRI_2016 1 2016 Population Density (Pop per Square Mile) ... NaN POPDENS_CY NaN NaN count

Using the unique method to get a list of unique variable names, along with the enrichment categories.

In [107]:
enrichment_variables =


In [108]:
enrichment_categories = df.category.unique().tolist()

['2016 Key Demographic Indicators (Esri)',
 '2016 Age: 5 Year Increments (Esri)',
 '2016 Age: 1 Year Increments (Esri)',
 '2016 Labor Force by Industry (Esri)',
 '2016 Labor Force by Occupation (Esri)',
 '2016 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri)',
 '2016 Educational Attainment (Esri)',
 '2016 Marital Status (Esri)',
 '2016 Income (Esri)',
 '2016 Income by Age (Esri)',
 '2016 Disposable Income (Esri)',
 '2016 Disposable Income by Age (Esri)',
 '2016 Net Worth (Esri)',
 '2016 Net Worth by Age (Esri)',
 '2016 Home Value (Esri)',
 '2016/2021 Other (Not Mappable) (Esri)']

Perform Geoenrichment

Since the ArcGIS Python API requires a published layer to use the built in Geoenrichment method, we utilize the ArcGIS Python API's built in post method, which takes care of the token authetication, and also has the urllib.encode method built in for converting the payload from a dictionary for the post call.

In [132]:
trade_area_drive_time = 8  # in minutes
study_area_options = '{"areaType":"DriveTimeBuffer","bufferUnits":"esriDriveTimeUnitsMinutes",' + \
        '"bufferRadii":' + '[{drive_time}]'.format(drive_time=trade_area_drive_time) + '}"'
study_area_options = '{"areaType":"DriveTimeBuffer","bufferUnits":"esriDriveTimeUnitsMinutes","bufferRadii":[5]}'

In [133]:
url_geoenrich = + "/Geoenrichment/Enrich"
payload = {
    'studyAreas': fs_store_locations.features,
#    'analysisVariables': enrichment_variables,
    'dataCollections': '["KeyUSFacts"]',
    'studyAreasOptions': study_area_options,
    'f': 'json'
headers = {
    'content-type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
    'cache-control': "no-cache"
resp_enrich =, postdata=payload)

{'messages': [{'description': 'Travel modes are ignored since they are not available for Service Area Solver.',
   'id': '-1',
   'type': 'esriJobMessageTypeWarning'},
  {'description': '{"code":400,"messageCode":"CONT_0001","message":"Item does not exist or is inaccessible.","details":[]}',
   'id': '-1',
   'type': 'esriJobMessageTypeError'}],
 'results': [{'dataType': 'GeoEnrichmentResult',
   'paramName': 'GeoEnrichmentResult',
   'value': {'FeatureSet': [], 'version': '0.3'}}]}

In [89]:
response_feature_set = response['results'][0]['value']['FeatureSet'][0]

{'displayFieldName': '',
 'features': [{'attributes': {'AREA_ID': '0_1',
    'AVGHHSZ_CY': 3.44,
    'AVGHINC_CY': 70964,
    'AVGHINC_FY': 78046,
    'AVGVAL_CY': 491686,
    'AVGVAL_FY': 544829,
    'DIVINDX_CY': 90.1,
    'FAMGRW10CY': 0.37,
    'FAMGRWCYFY': 0.53,
    'GQPOP_CY': 68,
    'HHGRW10CY': 0.39,
    'HHGRWCYFY': 0.54,
    'HasData': 1,
    'ID': '0',
    'LOCNUM': 666990510,
    'MEDHINC_CY': 54029,
    'MEDHINC_FY': 58430,
    'MEDVAL_CY': 462703,
    'MEDVAL_FY': 527755,
    'MHIGRWCYFY': 1.58,
    'OBJECTID': 1,
    'OWNER_CY': 1768,
    'OWNER_FY': 1813,
    'PCIGRWCYFY': 1.81,
    'PCI_CY': 21218,
    'PCI_FY': 23204,
    'POPGRW10CY': 0.59,
    'POPGRWCYFY': 0.65,
    'RENTER_CY': 2402,
    'RENTER_FY': 2470,
    'SALESVOL': 35495,
    'TOTHH00': 3918,
    'TOTHH10': 4070,
    'TOTHH_CY': 4170,
    'TOTHH_FY': 4283,
    'TOTHU00': 4301,
    'TOTHU10': 4275,
    'TOTHU_CY': 4426,
    'TOTHU_FY': 4553,
    'TOTPOP00': 13667,
    'TOTPOP10': 13903,
    'TOTPOP_CY': 14420,
    'TOTPOP_FY': 14896,
    'VACANT_CY': 256,
    'VACANT_FY': 270,
    'aggregationMethod': 'BlockApportionment:US.BlockGroups',
    'areaType': 'RingBuffer',
    'bufferRadii': 1,
    'bufferUnits': 'esriMiles',
    'bufferUnitsAlias': 'mile',
    'sourceCountry': 'US'}},
  {'attributes': {'AREA_ID': '1_1',
    'AVGHHSZ_CY': 3.44,
    'AVGHINC_CY': 70964,
    'AVGHINC_FY': 78046,
    'AVGVAL_CY': 491686,
    'AVGVAL_FY': 544829,
    'DIVINDX_CY': 90.1,
    'FAMGRW10CY': 0.37,
    'FAMGRWCYFY': 0.53,
    'GQPOP_CY': 68,
    'HHGRW10CY': 0.39,
    'HHGRWCYFY': 0.54,
    'HasData': 1,
    'ID': '1',
    'LOCNUM': 653371815,
    'MEDHINC_CY': 54029,
    'MEDHINC_FY': 58430,
    'MEDVAL_CY': 462703,
    'MEDVAL_FY': 527755,
    'MHIGRWCYFY': 1.58,
    'OBJECTID': 2,
    'OWNER_CY': 1768,
    'OWNER_FY': 1813,
    'PCIGRWCYFY': 1.81,
    'PCI_CY': 21218,
    'PCI_FY': 23204,
    'POPGRW10CY': 0.59,
    'POPGRWCYFY': 0.65,
    'RENTER_CY': 2402,
    'RENTER_FY': 2470,
    'SALESVOL': 35495,
    'TOTHH00': 3918,
    'TOTHH10': 4070,
    'TOTHH_CY': 4170,
    'TOTHH_FY': 4283,
    'TOTHU00': 4301,
    'TOTHU10': 4275,
    'TOTHU_CY': 4426,
    'TOTHU_FY': 4553,
    'TOTPOP00': 13667,
    'TOTPOP10': 13903,
    'TOTPOP_CY': 14420,
    'TOTPOP_FY': 14896,
    'VACANT_CY': 256,
    'VACANT_FY': 270,
    'aggregationMethod': 'BlockApportionment:US.BlockGroups',
    'areaType': 'RingBuffer',
    'bufferRadii': 1,
    'bufferUnits': 'esriMiles',
    'bufferUnitsAlias': 'mile',
    'sourceCountry': 'US'}},
  {'attributes': {'AREA_ID': '2_1',
    'AVGHHSZ_CY': 3.44,
    'AVGHINC_CY': 70964,
    'AVGHINC_FY': 78046,
    'AVGVAL_CY': 491686,
    'AVGVAL_FY': 544829,
    'DIVINDX_CY': 90.1,
    'FAMGRW10CY': 0.37,
    'FAMGRWCYFY': 0.53,
    'GQPOP_CY': 68,
    'HHGRW10CY': 0.39,
    'HHGRWCYFY': 0.54,
    'HasData': 1,
    'ID': '2',
    'LOCNUM': 423468472,
    'MEDHINC_CY': 54029,
    'MEDHINC_FY': 58430,
    'MEDVAL_CY': 462703,
    'MEDVAL_FY': 527755,
    'MHIGRWCYFY': 1.58,
    'OBJECTID': 3,
    'OWNER_CY': 1768,
    'OWNER_FY': 1813,
    'PCIGRWCYFY': 1.81,
    'PCI_CY': 21218,
    'PCI_FY': 23204,
    'POPGRW10CY': 0.59,
    'POPGRWCYFY': 0.65,
    'RENTER_CY': 2402,
    'RENTER_FY': 2470,
    'SALESVOL': 35495,
    'TOTHH00': 3918,
    'TOTHH10': 4070,
    'TOTHH_CY': 4170,
    'TOTHH_FY': 4283,
    'TOTHU00': 4301,
    'TOTHU10': 4275,
    'TOTHU_CY': 4426,
    'TOTHU_FY': 4553,
    'TOTPOP00': 13667,
    'TOTPOP10': 13903,
    'TOTPOP_CY': 14420,
    'TOTPOP_FY': 14896,
    'VACANT_CY': 256,
    'VACANT_FY': 270,
    'aggregationMethod': 'BlockApportionment:US.BlockGroups',
    'areaType': 'RingBuffer',
    'bufferRadii': 1,
    'bufferUnits': 'esriMiles',
    'bufferUnitsAlias': 'mile',
    'sourceCountry': 'US'}},
  {'attributes': {'AREA_ID': '3_1',
    'AVGHHSZ_CY': 3.44,
    'AVGHINC_CY': 70964,
    'AVGHINC_FY': 78046,
    'AVGVAL_CY': 491686,
    'AVGVAL_FY': 544829,
    'DIVINDX_CY': 90.1,
    'FAMGRW10CY': 0.37,
    'FAMGRWCYFY': 0.53,
    'GQPOP_CY': 68,
    'HHGRW10CY': 0.39,
    'HHGRWCYFY': 0.54,
    'HasData': 1,
    'ID': '3',
    'LOCNUM': 511743478,
    'MEDHINC_CY': 54029,
    'MEDHINC_FY': 58430,
    'MEDVAL_CY': 462703,
    'MEDVAL_FY': 527755,
    'MHIGRWCYFY': 1.58,
    'OBJECTID': 4,
    'OWNER_CY': 1768,
    'OWNER_FY': 1813,
    'PCIGRWCYFY': 1.81,
    'PCI_CY': 21218,
    'PCI_FY': 23204,
    'POPGRW10CY': 0.59,
    'POPGRWCYFY': 0.65,
    'RENTER_CY': 2402,
    'RENTER_FY': 2470,
    'SALESVOL': 35495,
    'TOTHH00': 3918,
    'TOTHH10': 4070,
    'TOTHH_CY': 4170,
    'TOTHH_FY': 4283,
    'TOTHU00': 4301,
    'TOTHU10': 4275,
    'TOTHU_CY': 4426,
    'TOTHU_FY': 4553,
    'TOTPOP00': 13667,
    'TOTPOP10': 13903,
    'TOTPOP_CY': 14420,
    'TOTPOP_FY': 14896,
    'VACANT_CY': 256,
    'VACANT_FY': 270,
    'aggregationMethod': 'BlockApportionment:US.BlockGroups',
    'areaType': 'RingBuffer',
    'bufferRadii': 1,
    'bufferUnits': 'esriMiles',
    'bufferUnitsAlias': 'mile',
    'sourceCountry': 'US'}},
  {'attributes': {'AREA_ID': '4_1',
    'AVGHHSZ_CY': 3.44,
    'AVGHINC_CY': 70964,
    'AVGHINC_FY': 78046,
    'AVGVAL_CY': 491686,
    'AVGVAL_FY': 544829,
    'DIVINDX_CY': 90.1,
    'FAMGRW10CY': 0.37,
    'FAMGRWCYFY': 0.53,
    'GQPOP_CY': 68,
    'HHGRW10CY': 0.39,
    'HHGRWCYFY': 0.54,
    'HasData': 1,
    'ID': '4',
    'LOCNUM': 404459478,
    'MEDHINC_CY': 54029,
    'MEDHINC_FY': 58430,
    'MEDVAL_CY': 462703,
    'MEDVAL_FY': 527755,
    'MHIGRWCYFY': 1.58,
    'OBJECTID': 5,
    'OWNER_CY': 1768,
    'OWNER_FY': 1813,
    'PCIGRWCYFY': 1.81,
    'PCI_CY': 21218,
    'PCI_FY': 23204,
    'POPGRW10CY': 0.59,
    'POPGRWCYFY': 0.65,
    'RENTER_CY': 2402,
    'RENTER_FY': 2470,
    'SALESVOL': 52059,
    'TOTHH00': 3918,
    'TOTHH10': 4070,
    'TOTHH_CY': 4170,
    'TOTHH_FY': 4283,
    'TOTHU00': 4301,
    'TOTHU10': 4275,
    'TOTHU_CY': 4426,
    'TOTHU_FY': 4553,
    'TOTPOP00': 13667,
    'TOTPOP10': 13903,
    'TOTPOP_CY': 14420,
    'TOTPOP_FY': 14896,
    'VACANT_CY': 256,
    'VACANT_FY': 270,
    'aggregationMethod': 'BlockApportionment:US.BlockGroups',
    'areaType': 'RingBuffer',
    'bufferRadii': 1,
    'bufferUnits': 'esriMiles',
    'bufferUnitsAlias': 'mile',
    'sourceCountry': 'US'}}],
 'fieldAliases': {'AREA_ID': 'AREA_ID',
  'AVGHHSZ_CY': '2016 Average Household Size',
  'AVGHINC_CY': '2016 Average Household Income',
  'AVGHINC_FY': '2021 Average Household Income',
  'AVGVAL_CY': '2016 Average Home Value',
  'AVGVAL_FY': '2021 Average Home Value',
  'DIVINDX_CY': '2016 Diversity Index',
  'FAMGRW10CY': '2010-2016 Growth Rate: Families',
  'FAMGRWCYFY': '2016-2021 Growth/Yr: Families',
  'GQPOP_CY': '2016 Population in Group Quarters',
  'HHGRW10CY': '2010-2016 Growth Rate: Households',
  'HHGRWCYFY': '2016-2021 Growth/Yr: Households',
  'HasData': 'HasData',
  'ID': 'ID',
  'MEDHINC_CY': '2016 Median Household Income',
  'MEDHINC_FY': '2021 Median Household Income',
  'MEDVAL_CY': '2016 Median Home Value',
  'MEDVAL_FY': '2021 Median Home Value',
  'MHIGRWCYFY': '2016-2021 Growth/Yr: Median HH Inc',
  'OBJECTID': 'Object ID',
  'OWNER_CY': '2016 Owner Occupied HUs',
  'OWNER_FY': '2021 Owner Occupied HUs',
  'PCIGRWCYFY': '2016-2021 Growth/Yr: Per Capita Income',
  'PCI_CY': '2016 Per Capita Income',
  'PCI_FY': '2021 Per Capita Income',
  'POPGRW10CY': '2010-2016 Growth Rate: Population',
  'POPGRWCYFY': '2016-2021 Growth/Yr: Population',
  'RENTER_CY': '2016 Renter Occupied HUs',
  'RENTER_FY': '2021 Renter Occupied HUs',
  'TOTHH00': '2000 Total Households',
  'TOTHH10': '2010 Total Households',
  'TOTHH_CY': '2016 Total Households',
  'TOTHH_FY': '2021 Total Households',
  'TOTHU00': '2000 Total Housing Units',
  'TOTHU10': '2010 Total Housing Units',
  'TOTHU_CY': '2016 Total Housing Units',
  'TOTHU_FY': '2021 Total Housing Units',
  'TOTPOP00': '2000 Total Population',
  'TOTPOP10': '2010 Total Population',
  'TOTPOP_CY': '2016 Total Population',
  'TOTPOP_FY': '2021 Total Population',
  'VACANT_CY': '2016 Vacant Housing Units',
  'VACANT_FY': '2021 Vacant Housing Units',
  'aggregationMethod': 'aggregationMethod',
  'areaType': 'areaType',
  'bufferRadii': 'bufferRadii',
  'bufferUnits': 'bufferUnits',
  'bufferUnitsAlias': 'bufferUnitsAlias',
  'sourceCountry': 'sourceCountry'},
 'fields': [{'alias': 'Object ID',
   'name': 'OBJECTID',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeOID'},
  {'alias': 'areaType',
   'length': 256,
   'name': 'areaType',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeString'},
  {'alias': 'bufferRadii',
   'name': 'bufferRadii',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble'},
  {'alias': 'bufferUnits',
   'length': 256,
   'name': 'bufferUnits',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeString'},
  {'alias': 'bufferUnitsAlias',
   'length': 256,
   'name': 'bufferUnitsAlias',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeString'},
  {'alias': 'ID', 'length': 256, 'name': 'ID', 'type': 'esriFieldTypeString'},
  {'alias': 'LOCNUM', 'name': 'LOCNUM', 'type': 'esriFieldTypeInteger'},
  {'alias': 'SALESVOL', 'name': 'SALESVOL', 'type': 'esriFieldTypeInteger'},
  {'alias': 'sourceCountry',
   'length': 256,
   'name': 'sourceCountry',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeString'},
  {'alias': 'AREA_ID',
   'length': 256,
   'name': 'AREA_ID',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeString'},
  {'alias': 'HasData', 'name': 'HasData', 'type': 'esriFieldTypeInteger'},
  {'alias': 'aggregationMethod',
   'length': 256,
   'name': 'aggregationMethod',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeString'},
  {'alias': '2016 Average Household Size',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 2,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.AVGHHSZ_CY',
   'name': 'AVGHHSZ_CY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'count'},
  {'alias': '2016 Average Household Income',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'currency': '$',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.AVGHINC_CY',
   'name': 'AVGHINC_CY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'currency'},
  {'alias': '2021 Average Household Income',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'currency': '$',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.AVGHINC_FY',
   'name': 'AVGHINC_FY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'currency'},
  {'alias': '2016 Average Home Value',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'currency': '$',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.AVGVAL_CY',
   'name': 'AVGVAL_CY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'currency'},
  {'alias': '2021 Average Home Value',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'currency': '$',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.AVGVAL_FY',
   'name': 'AVGVAL_FY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'currency'},
  {'alias': '2016 Diversity Index',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 1,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.DIVINDX_CY',
   'name': 'DIVINDX_CY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'count'},
  {'alias': '2010-2016 Growth Rate: Families',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 2,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.FAMGRW10CY',
   'name': 'FAMGRW10CY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'pct'},
  {'alias': '2016-2021 Growth/Yr: Families',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 2,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.FAMGRWCYFY',
   'name': 'FAMGRWCYFY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'pct'},
  {'alias': '2016 Population in Group Quarters',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.GQPOP_CY',
   'name': 'GQPOP_CY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'count'},
  {'alias': '2010-2016 Growth Rate: Households',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 2,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.HHGRW10CY',
   'name': 'HHGRW10CY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'pct'},
  {'alias': '2016-2021 Growth/Yr: Households',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 2,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.HHGRWCYFY',
   'name': 'HHGRWCYFY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'pct'},
  {'alias': '2016 Median Household Income',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'currency': '$',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.MEDHINC_CY',
   'name': 'MEDHINC_CY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'currency'},
  {'alias': '2021 Median Household Income',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'currency': '$',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.MEDHINC_FY',
   'name': 'MEDHINC_FY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'currency'},
  {'alias': '2016 Median Home Value',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'currency': '$',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.MEDVAL_CY',
   'name': 'MEDVAL_CY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'currency'},
  {'alias': '2021 Median Home Value',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'currency': '$',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.MEDVAL_FY',
   'name': 'MEDVAL_FY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'currency'},
  {'alias': '2016-2021 Growth/Yr: Median HH Inc',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 2,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.MHIGRWCYFY',
   'name': 'MHIGRWCYFY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'pct'},
  {'alias': '2016 Owner Occupied HUs',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.OWNER_CY',
   'name': 'OWNER_CY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'count'},
  {'alias': '2021 Owner Occupied HUs',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.OWNER_FY',
   'name': 'OWNER_FY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'count'},
  {'alias': '2016 Per Capita Income',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'currency': '$',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.PCI_CY',
   'name': 'PCI_CY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'currency'},
  {'alias': '2021 Per Capita Income',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'currency': '$',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.PCI_FY',
   'name': 'PCI_FY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'currency'},
  {'alias': '2016-2021 Growth/Yr: Per Capita Income',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 2,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.PCIGRWCYFY',
   'name': 'PCIGRWCYFY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'pct'},
  {'alias': '2010-2016 Growth Rate: Population',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 2,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.POPGRW10CY',
   'name': 'POPGRW10CY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'pct'},
  {'alias': '2016-2021 Growth/Yr: Population',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 2,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.POPGRWCYFY',
   'name': 'POPGRWCYFY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'pct'},
  {'alias': '2016 Renter Occupied HUs',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.RENTER_CY',
   'name': 'RENTER_CY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'count'},
  {'alias': '2021 Renter Occupied HUs',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.RENTER_FY',
   'name': 'RENTER_FY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'count'},
  {'alias': '2000 Total Households',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.TOTHH00',
   'name': 'TOTHH00',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'count'},
  {'alias': '2010 Total Households',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.TOTHH10',
   'name': 'TOTHH10',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'count'},
  {'alias': '2016 Total Households',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.TOTHH_CY',
   'name': 'TOTHH_CY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'count'},
  {'alias': '2021 Total Households',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.TOTHH_FY',
   'name': 'TOTHH_FY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'count'},
  {'alias': '2000 Total Housing Units',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.TOTHU00',
   'name': 'TOTHU00',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'count'},
  {'alias': '2010 Total Housing Units',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.TOTHU10',
   'name': 'TOTHU10',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'count'},
  {'alias': '2016 Total Housing Units',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.TOTHU_CY',
   'name': 'TOTHU_CY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'count'},
  {'alias': '2021 Total Housing Units',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.TOTHU_FY',
   'name': 'TOTHU_FY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'count'},
  {'alias': '2000 Total Population',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.TOTPOP00',
   'name': 'TOTPOP00',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'count'},
  {'alias': '2010 Total Population',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.TOTPOP10',
   'name': 'TOTPOP10',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'count'},
  {'alias': '2016 Total Population',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.TOTPOP_CY',
   'name': 'TOTPOP_CY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'count'},
  {'alias': '2021 Total Population',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.TOTPOP_FY',
   'name': 'TOTPOP_FY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'count'},
  {'alias': '2016 Vacant Housing Units',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.VACANT_CY',
   'name': 'VACANT_CY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'count'},
  {'alias': '2021 Vacant Housing Units',
   'component': 'demographics',
   'decimals': 0,
   'fullName': 'KeyUSFacts.VACANT_FY',
   'name': 'VACANT_FY',
   'type': 'esriFieldTypeDouble',
   'units': 'count'}]}

In [115]:
fs_enrich = arcgis.features.FeatureSet(

{"features": [{"attributes": {"ID": "0", "sourceCountry": "US", "RENTER_FY": 2470, "OBJECTID": 1, "SALESVOL": 35495, "TOTHU_CY": 4426, "RENTER_CY": 2402, "TOTHH_FY": 4283, "GQPOP_CY": 68, "TOTPOP_CY": 14420, "POPGRW10CY": 0.59, "MEDHINC_FY": 58430, "TOTHU00": 4301, "DIVINDX_CY": 90.1, "TOTHH00": 3918, "HHGRWCYFY": 0.54, "AVGVAL_FY": 544829, "TOTHU_FY": 4553, "TOTHU10": 4275, "AVGHHSZ_CY": 3.44, "VACANT_FY": 270, "bufferUnits": "esriMiles", "PCIGRWCYFY": 1.81, "HasData": 1, "aggregationMethod": "BlockApportionment:US.BlockGroups", "TOTHH_CY": 4170, "MHIGRWCYFY": 1.58, "AVGHINC_FY": 78046, "POPGRWCYFY": 0.65, "TOTPOP00": 13667, "VACANT_CY": 256, "TOTPOP_FY": 14896, "MEDHINC_CY": 54029, "bufferUnitsAlias": "mile", "AVGVAL_CY": 491686, "PCI_CY": 21218, "FAMGRW10CY": 0.37, "MEDVAL_CY": 462703, "OWNER_CY": 1768, "TOTHH10": 4070, "FAMGRWCYFY": 0.53, "OWNER_FY": 1813, "bufferRadii": 1, "TOTPOP10": 13903, "AREA_ID": "0_1", "areaType": "RingBuffer", "PCI_FY": 23204, "MEDVAL_FY": 527755, "HHGRW10CY": 0.39, "AVGHINC_CY": 70964, "LOCNUM": 666990510}}, {"attributes": {"ID": "1", "sourceCountry": "US", "RENTER_FY": 2470, "OBJECTID": 2, "SALESVOL": 35495, "TOTHU_CY": 4426, "RENTER_CY": 2402, "TOTHH_FY": 4283, "GQPOP_CY": 68, "TOTPOP_CY": 14420, "POPGRW10CY": 0.59, "MEDHINC_FY": 58430, "TOTHU00": 4301, "DIVINDX_CY": 90.1, "TOTHH00": 3918, "HHGRWCYFY": 0.54, "AVGVAL_FY": 544829, "TOTHU_FY": 4553, "TOTHU10": 4275, "AVGHHSZ_CY": 3.44, "VACANT_FY": 270, "bufferUnits": "esriMiles", "PCIGRWCYFY": 1.81, "HasData": 1, "aggregationMethod": "BlockApportionment:US.BlockGroups", "TOTHH_CY": 4170, "MHIGRWCYFY": 1.58, "AVGHINC_FY": 78046, "POPGRWCYFY": 0.65, "TOTPOP00": 13667, "VACANT_CY": 256, "TOTPOP_FY": 14896, "MEDHINC_CY": 54029, "bufferUnitsAlias": "mile", "AVGVAL_CY": 491686, "PCI_CY": 21218, "FAMGRW10CY": 0.37, "MEDVAL_CY": 462703, "OWNER_CY": 1768, "TOTHH10": 4070, "FAMGRWCYFY": 0.53, "OWNER_FY": 1813, "bufferRadii": 1, "TOTPOP10": 13903, "AREA_ID": "1_1", "areaType": "RingBuffer", "PCI_FY": 23204, "MEDVAL_FY": 527755, "HHGRW10CY": 0.39, "AVGHINC_CY": 70964, "LOCNUM": 653371815}}, {"attributes": {"ID": "2", "sourceCountry": "US", "RENTER_FY": 2470, "OBJECTID": 3, "SALESVOL": 35495, "TOTHU_CY": 4426, "RENTER_CY": 2402, "TOTHH_FY": 4283, "GQPOP_CY": 68, "TOTPOP_CY": 14420, "POPGRW10CY": 0.59, "MEDHINC_FY": 58430, "TOTHU00": 4301, "DIVINDX_CY": 90.1, "TOTHH00": 3918, "HHGRWCYFY": 0.54, "AVGVAL_FY": 544829, "TOTHU_FY": 4553, "TOTHU10": 4275, "AVGHHSZ_CY": 3.44, "VACANT_FY": 270, "bufferUnits": "esriMiles", "PCIGRWCYFY": 1.81, "HasData": 1, "aggregationMethod": "BlockApportionment:US.BlockGroups", "TOTHH_CY": 4170, "MHIGRWCYFY": 1.58, "AVGHINC_FY": 78046, "POPGRWCYFY": 0.65, "TOTPOP00": 13667, "VACANT_CY": 256, "TOTPOP_FY": 14896, "MEDHINC_CY": 54029, "bufferUnitsAlias": "mile", "AVGVAL_CY": 491686, "PCI_CY": 21218, "FAMGRW10CY": 0.37, "MEDVAL_CY": 462703, "OWNER_CY": 1768, "TOTHH10": 4070, "FAMGRWCYFY": 0.53, "OWNER_FY": 1813, "bufferRadii": 1, "TOTPOP10": 13903, "AREA_ID": "2_1", "areaType": "RingBuffer", "PCI_FY": 23204, "MEDVAL_FY": 527755, "HHGRW10CY": 0.39, "AVGHINC_CY": 70964, "LOCNUM": 423468472}}, {"attributes": {"ID": "3", "sourceCountry": "US", "RENTER_FY": 2470, "OBJECTID": 4, "SALESVOL": 35495, "TOTHU_CY": 4426, "RENTER_CY": 2402, "TOTHH_FY": 4283, "GQPOP_CY": 68, "TOTPOP_CY": 14420, "POPGRW10CY": 0.59, "MEDHINC_FY": 58430, "TOTHU00": 4301, "DIVINDX_CY": 90.1, "TOTHH00": 3918, "HHGRWCYFY": 0.54, "AVGVAL_FY": 544829, "TOTHU_FY": 4553, "TOTHU10": 4275, "AVGHHSZ_CY": 3.44, "VACANT_FY": 270, "bufferUnits": "esriMiles", "PCIGRWCYFY": 1.81, "HasData": 1, "aggregationMethod": "BlockApportionment:US.BlockGroups", "TOTHH_CY": 4170, "MHIGRWCYFY": 1.58, "AVGHINC_FY": 78046, "POPGRWCYFY": 0.65, "TOTPOP00": 13667, "VACANT_CY": 256, "TOTPOP_FY": 14896, "MEDHINC_CY": 54029, "bufferUnitsAlias": "mile", "AVGVAL_CY": 491686, "PCI_CY": 21218, "FAMGRW10CY": 0.37, "MEDVAL_CY": 462703, "OWNER_CY": 1768, "TOTHH10": 4070, "FAMGRWCYFY": 0.53, "OWNER_FY": 1813, "bufferRadii": 1, "TOTPOP10": 13903, "AREA_ID": "3_1", "areaType": "RingBuffer", "PCI_FY": 23204, "MEDVAL_FY": 527755, "HHGRW10CY": 0.39, "AVGHINC_CY": 70964, "LOCNUM": 511743478}}, {"attributes": {"ID": "4", "sourceCountry": "US", "RENTER_FY": 2470, "OBJECTID": 5, "SALESVOL": 52059, "TOTHU_CY": 4426, "RENTER_CY": 2402, "TOTHH_FY": 4283, "GQPOP_CY": 68, "TOTPOP_CY": 14420, "POPGRW10CY": 0.59, "MEDHINC_FY": 58430, "TOTHU00": 4301, "DIVINDX_CY": 90.1, "TOTHH00": 3918, "HHGRWCYFY": 0.54, "AVGVAL_FY": 544829, "TOTHU_FY": 4553, "TOTHU10": 4275, "AVGHHSZ_CY": 3.44, "VACANT_FY": 270, "bufferUnits": "esriMiles", "PCIGRWCYFY": 1.81, "HasData": 1, "aggregationMethod": "BlockApportionment:US.BlockGroups", "TOTHH_CY": 4170, "MHIGRWCYFY": 1.58, "AVGHINC_FY": 78046, "POPGRWCYFY": 0.65, "TOTPOP00": 13667, "VACANT_CY": 256, "TOTPOP_FY": 14896, "MEDHINC_CY": 54029, "bufferUnitsAlias": "mile", "AVGVAL_CY": 491686, "PCI_CY": 21218, "FAMGRW10CY": 0.37, "MEDVAL_CY": 462703, "OWNER_CY": 1768, "TOTHH10": 4070, "FAMGRWCYFY": 0.53, "OWNER_FY": 1813, "bufferRadii": 1, "TOTPOP10": 13903, "AREA_ID": "4_1", "areaType": "RingBuffer", "PCI_FY": 23204, "MEDVAL_FY": 527755, "HHGRW10CY": 0.39, "AVGHINC_CY": 70964, "LOCNUM": 404459478}}], "fields": [{"type": "esriFieldTypeOID", "name": "OBJECTID", "alias": "Object ID"}, {"length": 256, "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "name": "areaType", "alias": "areaType"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "bufferRadii", "alias": "bufferRadii"}, {"length": 256, "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "name": "bufferUnits", "alias": "bufferUnits"}, {"length": 256, "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "name": "bufferUnitsAlias", "alias": "bufferUnitsAlias"}, {"length": 256, "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "name": "ID", "alias": "ID"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "name": "LOCNUM", "alias": "LOCNUM"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "name": "SALESVOL", "alias": "SALESVOL"}, {"length": 256, "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "name": "sourceCountry", "alias": "sourceCountry"}, {"length": 256, "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "name": "AREA_ID", "alias": "AREA_ID"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "name": "HasData", "alias": "HasData"}, {"length": 256, "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "name": "aggregationMethod", "alias": "aggregationMethod"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "AVGHHSZ_CY", "units": "count", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.AVGHHSZ_CY", "alias": "2016 Average Household Size", "decimals": 2, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "AVGHINC_CY", "units": "currency", "currency": "$", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.AVGHINC_CY", "alias": "2016 Average Household Income", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "AVGHINC_FY", "units": "currency", "currency": "$", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.AVGHINC_FY", "alias": "2021 Average Household Income", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "AVGVAL_CY", "units": "currency", "currency": "$", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.AVGVAL_CY", "alias": "2016 Average Home Value", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "AVGVAL_FY", "units": "currency", "currency": "$", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.AVGVAL_FY", "alias": "2021 Average Home Value", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "DIVINDX_CY", "units": "count", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.DIVINDX_CY", "alias": "2016 Diversity Index", "decimals": 1, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "FAMGRW10CY", "units": "pct", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.FAMGRW10CY", "alias": "2010-2016 Growth Rate: Families", "decimals": 2, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "FAMGRWCYFY", "units": "pct", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.FAMGRWCYFY", "alias": "2016-2021 Growth/Yr: Families", "decimals": 2, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "GQPOP_CY", "units": "count", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.GQPOP_CY", "alias": "2016 Population in Group Quarters", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "HHGRW10CY", "units": "pct", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.HHGRW10CY", "alias": "2010-2016 Growth Rate: Households", "decimals": 2, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "HHGRWCYFY", "units": "pct", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.HHGRWCYFY", "alias": "2016-2021 Growth/Yr: Households", "decimals": 2, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "MEDHINC_CY", "units": "currency", "currency": "$", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.MEDHINC_CY", "alias": "2016 Median Household Income", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "MEDHINC_FY", "units": "currency", "currency": "$", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.MEDHINC_FY", "alias": "2021 Median Household Income", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "MEDVAL_CY", "units": "currency", "currency": "$", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.MEDVAL_CY", "alias": "2016 Median Home Value", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "MEDVAL_FY", "units": "currency", "currency": "$", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.MEDVAL_FY", "alias": "2021 Median Home Value", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "MHIGRWCYFY", "units": "pct", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.MHIGRWCYFY", "alias": "2016-2021 Growth/Yr: Median HH Inc", "decimals": 2, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "OWNER_CY", "units": "count", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.OWNER_CY", "alias": "2016 Owner Occupied HUs", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "OWNER_FY", "units": "count", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.OWNER_FY", "alias": "2021 Owner Occupied HUs", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "PCI_CY", "units": "currency", "currency": "$", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.PCI_CY", "alias": "2016 Per Capita Income", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "PCI_FY", "units": "currency", "currency": "$", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.PCI_FY", "alias": "2021 Per Capita Income", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "PCIGRWCYFY", "units": "pct", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.PCIGRWCYFY", "alias": "2016-2021 Growth/Yr: Per Capita Income", "decimals": 2, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "POPGRW10CY", "units": "pct", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.POPGRW10CY", "alias": "2010-2016 Growth Rate: Population", "decimals": 2, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "POPGRWCYFY", "units": "pct", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.POPGRWCYFY", "alias": "2016-2021 Growth/Yr: Population", "decimals": 2, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "RENTER_CY", "units": "count", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.RENTER_CY", "alias": "2016 Renter Occupied HUs", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "RENTER_FY", "units": "count", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.RENTER_FY", "alias": "2021 Renter Occupied HUs", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "TOTHH00", "units": "count", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.TOTHH00", "alias": "2000 Total Households", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "TOTHH10", "units": "count", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.TOTHH10", "alias": "2010 Total Households", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "TOTHH_CY", "units": "count", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.TOTHH_CY", "alias": "2016 Total Households", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "TOTHH_FY", "units": "count", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.TOTHH_FY", "alias": "2021 Total Households", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "TOTHU00", "units": "count", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.TOTHU00", "alias": "2000 Total Housing Units", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "TOTHU10", "units": "count", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.TOTHU10", "alias": "2010 Total Housing Units", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "TOTHU_CY", "units": "count", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.TOTHU_CY", "alias": "2016 Total Housing Units", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "TOTHU_FY", "units": "count", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.TOTHU_FY", "alias": "2021 Total Housing Units", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "TOTPOP00", "units": "count", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.TOTPOP00", "alias": "2000 Total Population", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "TOTPOP10", "units": "count", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.TOTPOP10", "alias": "2010 Total Population", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "TOTPOP_CY", "units": "count", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.TOTPOP_CY", "alias": "2016 Total Population", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "TOTPOP_FY", "units": "count", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.TOTPOP_FY", "alias": "2021 Total Population", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "VACANT_CY", "units": "count", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.VACANT_CY", "alias": "2016 Vacant Housing Units", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}, {"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "name": "VACANT_FY", "units": "count", "fullName": "KeyUSFacts.VACANT_FY", "alias": "2021 Vacant Housing Units", "decimals": 0, "component": "demographics"}]}

In [46]:
[field['name'] for field in response_feature_set.fields]


In [116]:
df_enrich = fs_enrich.df

1 0_1 3.44 70964 78046 491686 544829 90.1 0.37 0.53 68 ... 14420 14896 256 270 BlockApportionment:US.BlockGroups RingBuffer 1 esriMiles mile US
2 1_1 3.44 70964 78046 491686 544829 90.1 0.37 0.53 68 ... 14420 14896 256 270 BlockApportionment:US.BlockGroups RingBuffer 1 esriMiles mile US
3 2_1 3.44 70964 78046 491686 544829 90.1 0.37 0.53 68 ... 14420 14896 256 270 BlockApportionment:US.BlockGroups RingBuffer 1 esriMiles mile US
4 3_1 3.44 70964 78046 491686 544829 90.1 0.37 0.53 68 ... 14420 14896 256 270 BlockApportionment:US.BlockGroups RingBuffer 1 esriMiles mile US
5 4_1 3.44 70964 78046 491686 544829 90.1 0.37 0.53 68 ... 14420 14896 256 270 BlockApportionment:US.BlockGroups RingBuffer 1 esriMiles mile US

5 rows × 50 columns

In [ ]: